Fasting can save your life
Marcello Pamio - June 18, 2009
Before explaining what and why fasting is important, you need to understand What is the disease.
In this regard, and for completeness, I invite you to read the article "The disease: friend or foe?" Dr. Sebastian Magnano.
In a nutshell, from the point of view hygienistic, the "symptom" (officially called "disease") is the last attempt of Nature, that body, to eliminate all toxins (food, metabolic, emotional, etc.). That have polluted the body.
The constant poisoning toxins enter the bloodstream mainly through:
1) toxemia exogenous, that is external, caused by harmful foods (wrong combination, fermentation, putrefazioni intestinali) o sostanze estranee all’organismo (microbi, batteri, ecc.)
2) Tossiemia endogena, cioè interna, di origine cellulare per la ritenzione di metaboliti. In ogni momento i tessuti (cellule, ecc.) vengono distrutti nel processo chiamato “catabolismo”. Questi sono rifiuti tossici che devono essere espulsi quanto prima dal corpo.
L’avvelenamento, sia per opera di cibi tossici e/o combinazioni errate, sia nel caso dei tessuti distrutti, in un organismo sano, forte e in buona salute, viene ridotto ed eliminato dal sangue rapidamente. Quando invece l’energia nervosa non è sufficiente, il sistema di eliminazione non funziona correttamente provocando la ritenzione toxins and the constant poisoning of the blood and tissues. By the time the poisoning exceeds a threshold, immediately triggered the disease.
The nervous energy is too cold or hot, concerns, trauma, heavy digestion, mental effort and physical fear, the emotional excesses, anger, no rest, etc.. are all conditions that in the long run enervate the human body and dissipate energy.
When the energy is lowered and the individual reaches a certain level (unique and individual for each person) is to delay the elimination of toxins, toxic waste, resulting in storage of waste and toxins that cause autoavvelenamento. The area where
or body is the greatest waste repository depends from person to person, depending on the constitution, from possible predispositions (certainly not genetic, but epigenetic, and environmental), the zone to "least resistance", etc..
anyone interested can see the joints (arthritis, rheumatism, gout, etc..) Someone else a specific organ (liver -> cirrhosis, lung -> pneumonia, kidney -> nephritis, stomach -> gastritis, arteries - -> hypertension, etc.).
disease and symptom
Despite these differences in location does not change the concept of disease: it is always a "vicarious elimination" made by the body to expel toxins and reduce dangerous toxic saturation.
Oddly enough, all factors external to us (cold, heat, microbes, viruses, bacteria, foods, etc..) Can not by itself cause the disease, unless they do not cause weakening of the vital energy and strength, the whose consequence is the delay in the expulsion of toxins.
If and only if the blood becomes saturated with toxins, involved "eliminating vicarious" this disease (or symptoms)!
So in that sense, the disease is nothing but Nature herself who spoke of arrogance, to liberate the toxic load from the body, and tell us that we left the rails of a natural and healthy life.
Our comprehensive lifestyle (nutrition, world of feelings, the world of thoughts, the things we say and how shall we say, etc..) Is called into question. It is for us to understand it and accept it, or we can always turn the other way and take the medicine, the natural product, homeopathic medicine, etc..
All things for good (natural medicine) and bad (toxic drugs) interfere with the mechanism put in place by Nature.
WRONG daily habits (physical-mental-emotional)
Irritation> Inflammation> Hardening> ulcer> fungal (cancer)
Above, the diagram coded by Dr. JH Tilden (1851-1940) that exemplifies the evolution of the disease, it can be concluded that the disease always comes after a generalized toxemia, toxaemia and always comes after a weakening energy caused by wrong lifestyle (as the toxic animal protein foods, the wrong combination, a wild life, little sleep, etc.).
If it all starts with a general weakness and generalized it is logical that the rest (mental, physical, emotional) is essential, and in fact in this perspective, fasting is a degli strumenti chiave.
Virus e batteri
Che ruolo hanno in tutto questo i batteri e virus? Sono esseri così tremendi da dover combattere con ogni strumento?
In questa visione, non sono certo da demonizzare, visto che il nostro corpo è praticamente colonizzato da miliardi di microrganismi, per non parlare dei virus (informazione ricoperta da una proteina) che sono all'ordine del giorno.
Nonostante quello che viene insegnato nelle scuole di medicina, i pericoli non arrivano dall'esterno se il corpo è sano e forte. Un qualsiasi organismo in perfetta salute "resiste" a qualsiasi "entità estranea", mentre un corpo malato, indebolito da pratiche debilitanti (stress, traumi, alimentazione, ecc.) succumb to anything.
Microbes are saprophytic, meaning that feed on dead or dying organic matter. In this way if the tissues are in a state of toxemia, which would necessitate a cleaning, then act positively in favor of health.
If the tissues are healthy, properly nourished and oxygenated, the body has many systems (skin, mucous secretions, bactericidal, white blood cells, proteins, liver, spleen, lymphocytes, etc.). To destroy microorganisms that come accidentally from without ( food, water, breathing, wounds, etc...)
Microorganisms interior, then, are "activated" and / or "off" from our biological terrain and serve as a true "scavengers" to help "clean up" the body in certain pathological situations. Antibiotics (anti-bios "= against life, against nature), for example, destroy all forms of life, preventing microbes from work and healing to manifest.
What is fasting?
We must say that fasting is not a cure nor a treatment: it is "simply" the body's physiological rest!
speak of "fasting therapy," in today's terms, it would hardly be correct, unless you meant by the complex process of self-healing therapy (but we will see shortly). The economic
The Nature of Nature know, does not waste anything.
The normal human body is provided with a supply of nutritional materials set aside as fat, bone marrow, glycogen, muscle extracts, milk, minerals, vitamins, etc..
It sounds impossible, but a healthy body has stored a supply sufficient to overcome the nutrient and appropriate days, weeks and several months without food.
If you are not feeding, the body uses these reserves to feed the tissue, and occurs when these sell out the real weight loss.
In the blood, lymph, bone, especially in the bone marrow, fat, liver and other glands, even in the cells there are reserves of protein, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins for use in times of scarcity.
Thus, the client will not be damaged fasting abstinence if and only if the reserves will be sufficient to meet nutritional needs of tissue and / or primary organs (brain, lungs, heart, nervous system, etc.)..
For example, glycogen (animal starch) stored in the liver, need to be transformed into sugar and distributed to tissues according to the needs. Thousands of people
experiments have established that during fasting the tissues are consumed in the reverse order of their importance: the fat tissue is the first to disappear (the fat disappears from the muscles, but the muscle maintains its integrity and surprising strength). Certainly
fasting decreases the body weight, but this loss, although for a long time, involves the reserves and not the tissue.
Finally, loss of weight varies depending on the nature and quality of materials, physical and emotional turn, the outside temperature, etc..
The emotional stress, exercise, cold and tissues poor accelerate the process of weight loss.
The important rule is "healthy or sick, never force the food in the stomach"
In acute
In acute diseases (inflammation, pain, fever, etc.). Hunger does not arise because the energies devono essere indirizzate verso altre direzioni piuttosto che “sprecate” per la digestione.
L’energia viene deviata dagli organi digestivi verso il lavoro più urgente, e anche il sangue fa la stessa cosa: viene dirottato verso quelle zone che ne richiedono in quantità.
Vi è assenza di succhi gastrici e le pareti del sistema digestivo secernono muco in quantità; i movimenti muscolari dello stomaco vengono sospesi e viene quindi meno la capacità di digerire il cibo.
Non si deve mangiare durante una crisi acuta, sia perché non si digerirebbe correttamente provocando fermentazioni e/o putrefazioni, ma anche perché il digiuno allevia il dolore e alleggerisce il carico di organi come reni e cuore.
In fever, the doctors of Naples 150 years ago, they were fast! Today? The doctor prescribed paracetamol, painkillers, aspirin, and other poisons toxic to the body.
skip some meals, when the first symptoms appear, it is often sufficient to prevent the development of more serious illnesses. In chronic diseases
In chronic diseases a person tends to believe that he was hungry, but his feelings are just irritations of the digestive tract. These symptoms disappear when you fast. During fasting
speed up the processes that release excretory quickly the body of wastes and toxins that cause the disorder
anemia and diabetes, you can not take fasting alone, but need the guidance of an experienced hygienist
Four good reasons to fast
1 - Weight loss. Fasting is the quickest way, safe and efficient way to lose weight.
2 - physiological compensation. When you have to digest a food a large amount of blood flow to the digestive organs and the body must therefore tends to be lazy and fall asleep. If you carry a heavy work, the digestive process is practically suspended. Fast, keeping the digestive energy, allows deviarle to other channels and then to do other jobs.
3 - Rest physiological. Fasting allows the rest of the digestive system, glands, circulatory, respiratory, nervous. More food is ingested, the more work that needs to be done by forming organs such systems in the presence of a fasting these bodies are resting. The glands of the mouth and stomach, the digestive tract, liver and pancreas does not have to work. The heart, the arteries become lighter and refreshed. Glands, except for those that Scernio digestive juices, reduce their secretory activity. Breathing slows down and the nervous system works less.
4 - Elimination. Dr. JH Tilden: "After 55 years in the wild world of medical treatment, I have to declare, without fear of contradiction that fasting is the only conveyor therapeutic safe for humans, "Dr. Felix L.
Oswald: "Fasting is the best system of renewal. Three days of fasting a year purify the blood and eliminate toxins more effectively than a hundred bottles of solutions purgative. "
There is nothing like the fast that it can increase the elimination of waste substances from the blood and tissues.
waste retained or suppressed secretions are expelled from the body and the system is cleansed. It takes a few days to leave the blood and lymph of toxins, but the fasting continues its work and causes the expulsion of toxins that were stored in a long time less important tissues (fat, organs, etc.).
Fasting forces the body to consume (autolysis) all superfluous tissue and nutritional supplies used to support the main fabric. In this sense, the toxins released into circulation would be expelled from the excretory organs.
Excretion Excretion is one of the basic functions of life and is essential for life itself. The body needs to sustain life: assimilation, GROW, excreted
We saw earlier that there is a continuous effort by the body to expel toxins, organic waste and inorganic (metabolism: anabolism and catabolism). All
that the body can not use as food should be expelled from the body.
energies of man are always divided between assimilation and elimination.
During fasting (suspension means) the elimination of waste, toxins reach unique levels.
rest alone increases the removal, though not at the same level.
Anything that diminishes the body's work increases the avoidance
force and energy during fasting
As paradoxical as it may seem, the weak people benefit most from periods of abstinence from food, partly because of the weakness usually not due to lack of food but to a state of intoxication of the body and poor assimilation.
Fasting can cure?
The term "cure" comes from the Latin meaning "attention", "caution". Today
obviously has a different meaning.
Fasting does not "cure" anything is a physiological rest period, the discontinuation of all the effort.
Rest provides the body with the opportunity to do just what he can not do in full activity.
Only when the causes are removed and / or blocked, the body, by itself, can begin to heal. Remove the cause is NOT heal means to make possible that restorative processes, regenerators, refine their work. This is called SELF
Healing, in contrast to cure, is a biological process, not an art.
A surgeon can stitch the wound but can not heal her, can put together the ends of a broken bone but can not join or weld the two sides. ONLY the body can do this.
Healing is a natural process
all healing is really just self-healing and for so fasting is not a cure. As
bodily rest, fasting allows the body to autoguarirsi, providing the body with the opportunity to work with less effort.
Some thing to know in fasting
1 - When you begin to fast almost inevitably arise physical developments that should not be alarmed: white tongue, mouth and bad breath, teeth, mixed, headache, etc..
are all conditions that represent the cleansing process. As soon as the body of toxic discharge his burden, he began the process of purification of the tongue, the tip first and then on the sides and at the end of the mouth and tongue clean.
2 - Urine may become dark, almost black, strong odor, even if you drink only water. Index of labor renal elimination.
3 - The weight loss is due to the use of organic reserves
4 - The weakness is functional due to inactivity. It was very relaxed, the heart and breathing slows down, the movement subsides. The initial weakness was due to the absence of the "usual stimulation: coffee, etc..
5 - The most boring is perhaps represented by nausea and vomiting, but they are major crises purifying.
6 - The rest (physical and mental) is crucial.
7 - moderate outdoor exercise is very important
8 - Cooling inhibits elimination, so you have to stay warm.
9 - Drink pure fresh water, not cold.
10 - sunbathing are a nutritional factor of great help in the jejunum, just non abusarne.
11- Niente purganti durante il digiuno
L’interruzione del digiuno
Il momento ideale per interrompere il digiuno è quando si manifesta il ritorno della fame.
La lingua è pulita e l’alito è sano.
L’interruzione e la ripresa alimentare è fondamentale per non vanificare il tutto.
Si può riprendere mangiando cibi leggeri come frutta e verdure. Tre pasti al giorno, semplici e non ricchi, formati da cibi freschi.
DAL SITO WWW:DISINFORMAZIONE.IT uno dei siti più belli che io abbia consultato negli ultimi anni.
"Il digiuno può salvarvi la vita", dottor Herbert Shelton, ed. Manca
"La Tossiemia primary cause of disease, "Dr. JH Tilden, ed.
missing" toxemia and detoxification "by Emanuele Dimauro, from" Natural Hygiene and Health ", nr.78-79-80, April 2009