Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coffee Table Made Out Of Tree Stump

Travel ... Weather

Travel: a preparation for the great journey that is life.
The plane then will return the process projects in the sense of being a destination, opening the door, the unfolding of the light that was so far out of your life and now he joins. The flood of the little baggage that you bring in below, which sits comfortably on a bed, table, on the ground of this your new home.

forget that came with your little suitcase that lies somewhere there, under a bed who is now yours, and immerse yourself in your new things as they always were.
then it's time to go: choose from all those around you what you can get into your suitcase, or at least that will make sense to you, you will know to choose .
Greet your loved ones as if it were the last time, with a vague feeling of sadness mixed with hope of being able to even review one day. Throw
still yet another last piece of paper, what did you think for hours on whether to keep or throw, and then find yourself sitting at the gates of St. Peter, in line with other wretches like you, united by a simple fate, too simple to be understood in its deep and wonderful reality: we must go!

With these thoughts, lost in my passions now and always with a heart full of the inevitable tears and laughter once again I am going to leave this wonderful land of South America, too beautiful to deserve it, we, the unsuspecting European time fleeing.

Montevideo July 8, 2009.


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