Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Does Iron Make Ur Poo Black

I promised a friend to write a guest someday this story, in Italian, and now I am going to do so.
E 'happened at the beginning of 2009 that remain in one of our fences a few cocks, a small band of survivors to castration (they were former candidates to become capons at another breeding center) that I bought and bred for one year.

25 male chicken in eternal battle with each other, within the outdoor enclosure. The days of their slaughter for food is accomplished in a week when, with an elderly gentleman host on Sunday, is discussed at length on the necessity or otherwise of the presence of one or more roosters in the hen house, along with ovajole. Since the beginning of our new chicken coop, specifically for the production of about 70 eggs a day, since 2007, I had never thought of introducing a rooster with the hens, and I did not see the need, given the calm and quiet life as a chicken coop that poduttrici our sacred place of eggs and continue to play. << Bisogna immettere almeno un gallo fa le galline>> said this elderly guest. << le uova rimarrebbero più buone> >, While others questioned me about a rate of 4-6% of roosters in the hen house, which then in turn create different harem splitting chickens and so on. I continued to play out of tune this story of the need of the rooster .... mah ...
fact is that for ease of capture, the 25 roosters for a few days ended up in the box on the horses, practically adjacent to the barn. By Olivier that day we decided to give a breath of freedom for the roosters, freeing all 25 in the middle of the 80 chickens that never met before in male life made myself to the spirit of generosity towards the roosters all now condemned, and also out of curiosity, and because we had thought and that's it.
25 roosters that had been months and months to take blows at each other all day and night, a few meters from the fence of peaceful hens that every egg they sang the poetry of freedom, who knows what would have happened!
Capturing the roosters was not an easy task, with a heavy bag that I threw them on the angry imprigionai to two or three at a time: Olivier was on the sidelines saying to have you a fear, the origin of which I would later tell. Within 30 minutes you'll achieve the 25 stalwart in the middle of a heritage of 80 female chickens around, all, grown up without knowing Scaparone male. What would they secndo you, once the roosters in the henhouse? 80 divided by 25 would be more than 3 female-to-head: a treasure! THE USUAL
Once inspected with violence the presence of real female chickens within this new enclosure, (which began squawking chickens, screaming and running away to hide from this horde of savages), instead of the chickens and filarsi apart in intimacy that make the Gauls menano is even more than before, with a violence never seen so far, starting fighting two against two, three against five, all against all! And the chickens? They said a bad story <

followed a night of hell, no one slept, the gali continued to fight throughout the night, the hens screaming and running away; eggs nenanche one for three days! We decided to start
killing for food, and we put ourselves the question of how many roosters in the henhouse, especially as the cocks?
That night at dinner, my friend Olivier told me the story that was the origin of his fear for the roosters, and his younger sister when they were in Belgium, in the country, one day at age 3, was attacked by 'single cock of the walk, who violently beat an eye, almost tore, with consequences that still bears dappresso. The night I thought that if I ever left a rooster in the hen house, I should make a careful selection, even under this new criteria derived from the story of Olivier and his sister.
the nature and
If I left your course choose the nature, the two roosters largest upset of the house and would have easily the best, and I think I read that at the end of the fighting cocks defeated potendosene not go from the herd for practical reasons (our networks ...) , submit themselves in a kind of state sexual hybrid, which turns them into pseudo eunuchs in the service or at least subject to the winner of the natural event. Bullies and future winners were easy to spot, given the aggressiveness and power of two larger and stronger. I thought that everything was not right, and especially that the two swaggering bullies could pose a serious danger to my children, once sbarazzatisi and conquered the enemies of the house, I decided For once, I would have chosen the winner, while the other candidates would end up in the saucepan, reversing the pattern of mother nature, and win the tournament by a rooster that was not too aggressive.
There was a cock between them a little nerds, one in the flock if it would be taken (as if he was taking) a little by all, was not ill, and nenanche too small, however, was not fighting like the other ; maybe appasssionato computer, the computer all day at home with the slippers' s winter dedicated to read rather than go down the street drove the hands a cock the third millennium, as perhaps it was me that bat child in my country town I took a pò da tutti. Una rivincita dei nerds, la mia decisione di sentirmi Padreterno e determinare la sorte dei bulli, tutti in pentola, lasciando al più sfigato tutte e 80 le galline.
E fu così che Ralph Mulf si trovò re del pollaio, mentre Fonzie e i suoi compari finirono nell'insalata di galletto. Questo gallo, mi dicevo, non avrebbe mai avuto l'arroganza di agggredire i bambini come successo alla sorellina di Olivier. Mi sentivo soddisfatto; come probabilmente si sentì il galletto, dopo aver visto sparire tutti i suoi violenti concorrenti. Devo dire che da subito il galletto mi parve addirittura un pò "ringaluzzito": una levatina al petto, una rizzata alla coda, e mi parve vederlo atto a svolgere il suo ruolo di maschio impollinatore. Tutto bene allora? L'essere umano si pone a regolatore dell'ecosistema, imprimendo agli ambienti animali un impianto di vita diverso dal loro naturale. La rivincita dei Nerds? Si può fare a meno di battersi per la sopravvivenza? Possiamo parlare di una alternativa? Mi sentivo soddisfatto.
Senonché dopo qualche settimana il nostro galletto che tutto subito sembra essersi trasformato in un buon capo pollaio, inizia a dare cenni di cedimento; questo tipo di animale, quando inizia ad ammalarsi, rallenta il passo, si muove di rado e con estrema lentezza, e smette di mangiare. In pochi giorni lo vidi fermo immobile contro un muro, dimagrito e nenanche le mie solite cure e i miei soliti lavaggi d'acqua non servirono a farlo resume.

THE MORAL The moral of this story is not easy to draw, maybe the rooster was not naturally a leader of the pack of 80 females to serve as a male, perhaps accidentally fell ill, only he's an incurable disease, or perhaps all aun project that was to teach me that we do not want to control the course of the events of life and nature, and that our action in the midst of nature and animals, has no effect because at the end of life, nature, Mother Earth, always wins, or at least does what he wants.
fact is that now we do not have roosters in the henhouse, and broiler chickens are a good and proper distance from the females ovajole, which continue to depporre their eggs between the sacred loro, in pace e tranquillità, lontano dai maschi violenti, e soprattutto dagli uomini presuntuosi o irriverenti.
Grazie dell'attenzione.
Scaparon, 7 gennaio 2010.


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