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The vaccine research is important to the Gates Foundation ... Translated by Cristina Bassi
Mercola.com - taken from www.thelivingspirits.net
The news that translate the following (from mercola.com) is one of those who do fear against those who are attentive to the manipulations and machinations of Big Pharma on our health. There neither was the philanthropy of Mr. Gates ...
From Washington Post, January 30, 2010: (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/29/AR2010012903953.html):
"The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation plans to donate 10 billion dollars over the next decade for research into new vaccines, according to the statements of the co-founder of Microsoft and his wife. They also asked that we help the government and the business world.
"We must make this the decade of the vaccines," said Bill Gates.
"Vaccines are a miracle," said Melinda Gates. (And told her to leave it all ... ed)
"Only with a few doses, they can prevent for life threatening diseases, "she says. ...
Here is the comment of Dr. Mercola:
The Gates Foundation has made perhaps the largest donation in the history, but unfortunately it involves a disastro in attesa di compimento, causa la falsa credenza che più medicine siano la risposta ai problemi di salute nel mondo.
Ciò che veramente mi disorienta è come questi 10 miliardi non possano essere considerati un sussidio diretto alle industrie farmaceutiche, dato che saranno le uniche a beneficiarne.
L’autore di Politicol News l’ha detta meglio:
“L’annuncio di 10 miliardi di dollari per pompare, a livello mondiale, più profitti nelle industrie del farmaco è il più grande errore che ha fatto Gates dopo quello di Microsoft Vista.”
Come una delle voci più rispettate al mondo, Gates ha una opportunità unica per richiamare l’attenzione su important social issues, creating a large global impact. Instead he let himself be seduced by special interests and is wasting its resources, along with the opportunity to make a real difference.
It 's a pity that all the money is not going to solutions that are truly aimed at the underlying problems, such as nutrition, clean water, health and vitamin D.
All that money would have built many water purification systems in India or Haiti? How many plumbing?
In bed with Big Pharma
Donate money for the children of the world is certainly laudable and I would never think that someone is wrong to do so. But playing in tandem with the pharmaceutical industry and expect altruism, is - at best - naive.
I have great respect for the intellectual prowess of Gates and I really hard to believe that he does not know the truth about vaccines.
The problem is that Gates has no interest in natural healing systems and then relies on consultants rooted in the fatally flawed conventional medical paradigm, which believes that vaccines are the cure for all diseases.
Indeed, the Gates Foundation is deeply associated with Big Pharma and even Monsanto, as you can see from their recent associations:
- In 2006, Gates assumed the vice-president of Monsanto, Robert Horsch [i] since joining the Foundation
- In 2001, Gates added to its board of directors Raymond Gilmartin of Merck
- In 2002 Gates invested $ 205 million in 9 of the big pharmaceutical companies
- In recent years, the Gates Foundation has given more than $ 4.5 billion for research on vaccines
Vaccinate those with compromised immune system is a recipe for disaster
order to eradicate infectious diseases from one nation, first of all we must go to those who have compromised immune systems. If you hit with a potent vaccine for children by the immune system suppressed, you will create disease, rather than eradicate it. If you pause
carefully about this, because clearly that vaccines suppress immune functions of the body.
death and disease in developing countries are often a result of malnutrition, associated with this type of problems [ii]:
- children with inadequate protein in their diet are unable to produce antibodies after receiving various vaccines, because in this way is compromised the ability to produce white blood cells, which are essential to fight infections.
- is more likely that the bodies of malnourished children being penetrated by infectious organisms, due to insufficient vitamin C, this means that their skin will break more easily and thus facilitate the entry of bacteria and other organisms.
- the living conditions of Third World children are often so poor that they are exposed to a large number of pathogens, from which they have little defense.
- the most common cause of death among children in developing countries is diarrhea.
- children of the third world are often in battle with various types of infection for 200 days a year.
Even Healthy children have immature immune systems, but the vaccines administered to children who are in a generally weak state of health, is a sure recipe for disaster.
has more money than sense
initiatives fail when they lose sight of the solutions to the root of the problem.
For example, Kristi Helm (Seattle Times [iii]) cites the initiative Avahan [iv]) of the Gates Foundation, which is a program of $ 258 million designated to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS in India. E 'documented that the program is run by highly paid business consultants, rather than by people who are experienced in public health.
Solution Gates had to pay even more money this year, another 80 million dollars-instead of seeing why the program had not happened.
Margarita Quintanilla, a community health coordinator, who worked in Nicaragua and is the recipient of the Gates Foundation, expressed concern about how the multinationals want to integrate technical solutions without spending a reflection on the needs of basic social infrastructure, such as education. This woman has had more success in teaching basic concepts such as hand washing to reduce infections.
Quintanilla said
"We must be wise and intelligent in our solutions. We have a responsibility to promote change in the right way."
technology has not always been the key to solving the problems of health, education and poverty: it is necessary to implement social structures.
Los Angeles Times: Gates of the African Programme for AIDS threatens children
Myopia of Gates evident from this another step taken by his philanthropy.
The Los Angeles Times reports that in 2007, generous gifts from the Gates Foundation to fight the 'HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa have inadvertently put many children at risk. [V]
At that time, efforts to combat those specific diseases requiring highly specialized medical training, but led to a shortage of doctors. So ironically
more children died of common diseases like diarrhea and sepsis (generalized infection throughout the body, ndt).
While there is no doubt that money is fundamentally important to save the lives of vulnerable children, there will be no progress if the money is not directed at the underlying problems that are based primarily on lifestyle. Translated by Cristina Bassi
[i] "Monsanto vice president joins the Gates Foundation" (October 19, 2006) Organic Consumers Association
[ii] S. Urvina "Malnutrition in Third World Countries" (1984)
[iii] K. Helm "Two words missing from Gates Foundation vocabulary" (July 30, 2009) Seattle Times
[iv] Avahan: India AIDS Initiative,
[v] C Piller and Smith D. "Unintended Victims" (December 16, 2007) Los Angeles Times
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