The first part is in its original format. The second is translated into Italian and is located at the bottom.
Yet thanks to Dr. Rodeghiero for the attention shown to the Research Center SOLARIS
Dear Dr. Rodeghiero, what has changed in UFO research Actively When He Began to follow this Phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, The Phenomenon Itself has changed. The UFO "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last one in the U.S. in 1973, and the last one in Europe (including Italy) in the late 1970s. These waves were replaced by intense localized and longer term manifestations, such as
Second, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field has declined, for a variety of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and debunkers, and the image brought to the field by abduction cases, which are so hard for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, such as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are somewhat the exception.
What she likes and what she does not like ufology today?
I am encourages by the use of online databases and the use of the internet. Communication among researchers is much easier and quicker than it was 10 to 15 years ago. And there is more quality information available for the public, if they can find it (not always easy).But I am discouraged by the poor quality of many current UFO investigations. Complete and thorough investigations are the bedrock of our study of the UFO phenomenon, and without such work, we are unable to study the phenomenon deeply.
The public now feels that UFOs are extraterrestrial in nature. What were and if there are mistakes made ufology to avoid this misinformation?
Some UFOs may well be caused by extraterrestrials, so if I understand your question, I don't consider it a "mistake" that the public may believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Certainly, there are other possible explanations, and I'm convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that is poorly understood by physics (such as what has been reported at Hessdalen). But other reports seem to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe these are aliens from somewhere else than Earth.
Your opinion, as computers and the internet have improved the activity of a ufologist?
As for the 'has worsened?As I mentioned above, I think that computers and the internet have had many benefits for UFO investigators and the public. One disadvantage for existing UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a decrease in subscriptions to UFOperiodicals and memberships in UFO groups. This has been one of the key factors that caused SOBEPS to close and BUFORA to reorganize. And CUFOS has had a loss of support as well, which has affected what we can accomplish.
What plans has the CUFOS is working?
We have several ongoing projects:Michael Swords and Bill Murphy from CUFOS are part of a team working, along with MUFON members, to write a history of government involvement with UFOs. This publication should appear sometime in 2011.We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or cases where vehicles or other equipment have allegedly been affected by UFOs, and try to investigate these cases whenever possible.We have recently begun a long-term project to scan the CUFOS case files and make them readily available. This will take several years to complete given the number of UFO reports in our archive.
He wants to tell a personal anecdote about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who enjoyed hard work, but also relaxing and socializing with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke. He was very open-minded to new experiences, and he was willing to sit down and talk to almost anyone. He looked like, and acted like, the consummate professor. And like many professors, he was a bit disorganzied. He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind his desk or other places.But all in all, we greatly admired and loved him, for his humanity and professional approach to the UFO subject.
trad. italiano
Caro Dr. Rodeghier ,
what has changed in UFO research since she began actively to follow this phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, the phenomenon itself has changed. The "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last in the United States in 1973, and the last in Europe (including Italy), in late 1970. These waves have been replaced by more intense and spread events in the long term, as the wave of boomerang Westchester New York City in the early 1980s, or triangle wave of Belgium between 1989-1990. Secondly, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field is reduced to a series of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and demystify the image and fielded by the abduction cases, which are so difficult for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are a bit 'the exception.
What do you like and do not like the current UFO?
I am encouraged by the use of online databases and Internet use. The communication between researchers is much easier and faster than it was 10 or 15 years ago. And there are a lot of quality information available to people, but if they can find them (not always easy!). But I am discouraged by the low quality of many current investigations of UFOs. Complete and thorough investigations are the foundation of our study on the phenomenon of UFOs, and without this work, we are not able to study in depth this phenomenon.
The public obviously believes that UFOs are extraterrestrial. What were, if there were, the errors in ufology who have created this disinformation?
Some UFOs may be caused by extra-terrestrials, so if I understand your question, I do not consider it a "mistake" that the public might believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Sure, there are other possible explanations, and I am convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that are still poorly understood physics (such as what has been reported in Hessdalen).
But other reports appear to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe that they are unrelated to any other place on Earth
Your opinion on how the computer and the Internet have improved the business a ufologist? How much they have deteriorated?
As I said, I think that computers and the Internet have given many benefits to UFO investigators and the public. A disadvantage for the current UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a reduction in subscriptions to periodicals and membership in UFO research groups. This was one of the key factors that have caused the closing of the reorganization and SOBEPS BUFORA. The CUFOS had a loss of support with the consequences of what we can achieve.
CUFOS is working on what project?
We have several ongoing projects Michael Swords and Bill Murphy of CUFOS are part of a team working together with members of MUFON, to write a story of government involvement with UFOs.
this publication should appear in 2011. We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or where vehicles or other equipment have been affected by alleged UFO, and try to investigate these cases, where possible. Recently we started a long-term project to analyze the files of cases filed by CUFOS and make them immediately available. It will take several years to complete due to the high number of UFO sightings in our archive.
Quadi's been 25 years since his passing. We can tell a personal story about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who could play a tough job, but also relax and socialize with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke.
was very open to new experiences, and was willing to sit down and talk with anyone. He looked and acted as the professor consumed. And how many professors, it was a bit 'careless.
He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind the desk or maybe in other places. But all in all, we very much appreciated and loved, for his humanity and professionalism on the subject of UFOs.
Thanks Mark and good work
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