Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Schwinn Srb 1800 Issue Problem
Around 2 am the night of October 19, our optical sensing station, being tested, has captured the step in the skies of Caserta, a strange light that is transited by taking a ride with uniform motion. In the video that we offer in full, the light seems to change shape too.
The study of the video is also being examined by other researchers who have gained great experience in the use of optical equipment.
A presto per ulteriori sviluppi.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Cheaters Korean Movie
Little Gino: I finally got a terrorist, friend! Fasting
Ricevo e Ripubblico sul mio blog personale la riflessione dell'amico Alessandro Mortarino sul comune amico e compagno di merende Gino Scarsi.
Gino Scarsi riceve una citazione per terrorismo ecologico
Proprio così; terrorismo ecologico e una richiesta di risarcimento danni pari a 50 mila euro ... L'accusa arriva dall'azienda di Canale (provincia di Cuneo) Vigolungo SpA, rivolta a Gino Scarsi, primo firmatario della nostra campagna nazionale per lo Stop al Consumo di Territorio, ai margini di una vicenda che aveva visto l'azienda protagonista della richiesta di autorizzazione di un impianto a biomasse. Le caratteristiche dell'impianto avevano subito fatto preoccupare i cittadini di Canale (e dei comuni limitrofi) e mosso una immediata action "from below" to require maximum transparency to the authorization and absolute attention to environment and health. After long debates, the specific Service Conference had rejected the request of the company. That, of course, it should not digested ... In
citation, Gino is accused of being guilty of a campaign against Vigolungo aimed at a purely personal interest, the company says, all positions taken in the story by Gino have been dictated by "clear and obvious political reasons-election "and" exclusive purpose of generating consensus around a pool of his own person even at the cost of generating a real ecological terrorism "... Who knows
Gino Poor sorriderà dell'accusa, che accusa resta pur sempre, in base alla citazione del Tribunale di Alba.
E chi ha seguito dal nascere la vicenda dell’impianto a biomasse della Vigolungo conosce la grande partecipazione di massa che ha coinvolto i cittadini di Canale e dintorni. Ben cinquemila firme raccolte a Canale e nel Roero contro la centrale. Tanti, tantissimi. Non soltanto … Scarsi !
L'accusa è talmente generica da farci stupire. E altrettanto irrisorie ci paiono le ulteriori "prove" che la Vigolungo SpA adduce per motivare le colpevolezze di Gino Scarsi.
Ad esempio le lettere pubblicate dal giornale "La Gazzetta d'Alba", in cui Scarsi riferisce che "le emissioni in atmosfera dei due camini alti trenta metri provided a channel can affect up to eight kilometers of territory thus involving the municipalities of San Damiano, Castellinaldo, Castagnito, Tanker, Vezza Montà, Santo Stefano Roero and Monteu.
Or that "the two chimneys are two guns pointed at Canal and Roero "and that" it is true that the stop with the heavy dust filters, but those reading? These are the so-called nanoparticles impossible to intercept because they are formed after the filters and invisible light that are scattered miles and miles and that nature can not metabolize. Surreptitiously enter the food chain and pass directly from the lungs when you breathe in the blood resulting in outbreaks that often turn into cancer in various organs. Il 10 % della popolazione è vulnerabile all'attacco delle nanopolveri e queste faranno danni ancora ai nostri figli e nipoti perchè sono persistenti e si trasmettono anche per via fetale".
L'azienda si scaglia anche contro un'affermazione di Gino apparsa su un giornale locale: "Vigolungo ha avuto nel tempo maestranze cinesi, mai uno sciopero" ed ha potuto godere di una "tolleranza complessiva su emissioni paurose". Frasi che nella citazione vengono così commentate dall'azienda: "Scarsi ha accusato direttamente Vigolungo SpA di sfruttamento della manodopera e di produrre emissioni contrarie alle legge, godendo di una non meglio precisata tolleranza da parte delle pubbliche autorità".
Il comportamento antisindacale Little has been recalled from public also on another occasion, in which, speaking of the reliability of the materials in relation to the burn center in the future, remember the good thing is represented by the company in fifty years, both the negative : pestilential fumes blacks and anti-union attitude (Vigolungo of dismissing a worker solely because he had "made the card CISL).
On March 23, is scheduled the first hearing, our feeling is that the company intends to show the public that is not good to argue against the economic needs of a business group and those who do likely own: a polite way that reminds us so much hail of machine guns at crowds ... A Little Gino
all our support. Moral, physical, financial, we are ready to make ourselves heard and to contribute to his defense.
Because if the company really intends to silence the free voices of active citizenship, the problem affects us all.
And this cause must be a public issue.
Democracy is our business, everyone.
That even companies have been informed ...
Ricevo e Ripubblico sul mio blog personale la riflessione dell'amico Alessandro Mortarino sul comune amico e compagno di merende Gino Scarsi.
Gino Scarsi riceve una citazione per terrorismo ecologico
Proprio così; terrorismo ecologico e una richiesta di risarcimento danni pari a 50 mila euro ... L'accusa arriva dall'azienda di Canale (provincia di Cuneo) Vigolungo SpA, rivolta a Gino Scarsi, primo firmatario della nostra campagna nazionale per lo Stop al Consumo di Territorio, ai margini di una vicenda che aveva visto l'azienda protagonista della richiesta di autorizzazione di un impianto a biomasse. Le caratteristiche dell'impianto avevano subito fatto preoccupare i cittadini di Canale (e dei comuni limitrofi) e mosso una immediata action "from below" to require maximum transparency to the authorization and absolute attention to environment and health. After long debates, the specific Service Conference had rejected the request of the company. That, of course, it should not digested ... In
citation, Gino is accused of being guilty of a campaign against Vigolungo aimed at a purely personal interest, the company says, all positions taken in the story by Gino have been dictated by "clear and obvious political reasons-election "and" exclusive purpose of generating consensus around a pool of his own person even at the cost of generating a real ecological terrorism "... Who knows
Gino Poor sorriderà dell'accusa, che accusa resta pur sempre, in base alla citazione del Tribunale di Alba.
E chi ha seguito dal nascere la vicenda dell’impianto a biomasse della Vigolungo conosce la grande partecipazione di massa che ha coinvolto i cittadini di Canale e dintorni. Ben cinquemila firme raccolte a Canale e nel Roero contro la centrale. Tanti, tantissimi. Non soltanto … Scarsi !
L'accusa è talmente generica da farci stupire. E altrettanto irrisorie ci paiono le ulteriori "prove" che la Vigolungo SpA adduce per motivare le colpevolezze di Gino Scarsi.
Ad esempio le lettere pubblicate dal giornale "La Gazzetta d'Alba", in cui Scarsi riferisce che "le emissioni in atmosfera dei due camini alti trenta metri provided a channel can affect up to eight kilometers of territory thus involving the municipalities of San Damiano, Castellinaldo, Castagnito, Tanker, Vezza Montà, Santo Stefano Roero and Monteu.
Or that "the two chimneys are two guns pointed at Canal and Roero "and that" it is true that the stop with the heavy dust filters, but those reading? These are the so-called nanoparticles impossible to intercept because they are formed after the filters and invisible light that are scattered miles and miles and that nature can not metabolize. Surreptitiously enter the food chain and pass directly from the lungs when you breathe in the blood resulting in outbreaks that often turn into cancer in various organs. Il 10 % della popolazione è vulnerabile all'attacco delle nanopolveri e queste faranno danni ancora ai nostri figli e nipoti perchè sono persistenti e si trasmettono anche per via fetale".
L'azienda si scaglia anche contro un'affermazione di Gino apparsa su un giornale locale: "Vigolungo ha avuto nel tempo maestranze cinesi, mai uno sciopero" ed ha potuto godere di una "tolleranza complessiva su emissioni paurose". Frasi che nella citazione vengono così commentate dall'azienda: "Scarsi ha accusato direttamente Vigolungo SpA di sfruttamento della manodopera e di produrre emissioni contrarie alle legge, godendo di una non meglio precisata tolleranza da parte delle pubbliche autorità".
Il comportamento antisindacale Little has been recalled from public also on another occasion, in which, speaking of the reliability of the materials in relation to the burn center in the future, remember the good thing is represented by the company in fifty years, both the negative : pestilential fumes blacks and anti-union attitude (Vigolungo of dismissing a worker solely because he had "made the card CISL).
On March 23, is scheduled the first hearing, our feeling is that the company intends to show the public that is not good to argue against the economic needs of a business group and those who do likely own: a polite way that reminds us so much hail of machine guns at crowds ... A Little Gino
all our support. Moral, physical, financial, we are ready to make ourselves heard and to contribute to his defense.
Because if the company really intends to silence the free voices of active citizenship, the problem affects us all.
And this cause must be a public issue.
Democracy is our business, everyone.
That even companies have been informed ...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Supplemental Pregnancy Insurance Aflac
UFO strange light on RAI 1

Le telecamere di TV 7 di oggi 26 novembre faranno luce sulle 3000 segnalazioni di avvistamenti UFO avvenute nell'ultimo biennio.
Una troupe della RAI ha intervistato i membri del Centro Ricerche SOLARIS sul boom di avvistamenti in Campania.
Il programma sarà in onda intorno alle 23:30
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Replacement Parts Breadman Ultimate Tr2500bc
Si è concluso con un bilancio più che positivo, il convegno del CISU tenutosi a Terni sabato November 13. Great success and audience. CISU of ufologists have presented a series of reports on various aspects of research into unidentified flying objects and the latest information on the reports occurring on the national territory.
approach to the phenomenon that characterizes the members of CISU allowed to know the rational aspect of the UFO study: an authoritative voice of the organization that makes a point of reference for anyone wishing to explore this fascinating topic.
Friday, October 29, 2010
What Do You Need For C License
On 13 November this year will be held at the annual meeting of CISU Terni (Italian Center for UFO Studies), the most authoritative national organization for the study of UFOs.

convention center in the Hotel de Paris, starting work at 15:30, the meeting with the symbolic title " UFO: a different look " will be an opportunity to take stock of the situation on ' Current research on unidentified flying objects: an authoritative voice out of context and sensationalized. A rational look at the state of the art of this fascinating topic.
Admission is free for all stakeholders and enthusiasts.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pokemon Yellow Cheats Vba
came While other reports of alleged UFO over the city of Caserta, It closed its investigations to find an explanation for the mysterious spherical object observed in several days of recent weeks.
Investigators of the Research Centre SOLARIS, after identifying the mysterious zone of the observations, based on the analysis of frames received by some witnesses, they found that the object was merely a weather balloon used by researchers Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Naples "Federico II" for a major study project on polluting gases into the atmosphere.
The photos were taken at the SOLARIS the field of Civil Protection Caserta hosting the study design.
This project will run again so you will likely come other reports of alleged UFOs.
The editors of the blog is on a "good luck" to Frederick university researchers for this important work.
came While other reports of alleged UFO over the city of Caserta, It closed its investigations to find an explanation for the mysterious spherical object observed in several days of recent weeks.
The photos were taken at the SOLARIS the field of Civil Protection Caserta hosting the study design.
This project will run again so you will likely come other reports of alleged UFOs.
The editors of the blog is on a "good luck" to Frederick university researchers for this important work.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
How To Make A Bow Hunting Birthday Cake
Caserta: dozens of reports and a photo sent by an anonymous reader of the blog (which we represent below) came to the secretariat of the Solaris on an unidentified object hovering over the city. The phenomenon dates back to last week would continue for a long time. At present the majority of reports are anonymous. SOLARIS
Research Center has started an investigation and refer our readers for further updates on these pages.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ariens Zero Turn Mower Reviews 2002
Fasting can save your life
Marcello Pamio - June 18, 2009
Before explaining what and why fasting is important, you need to understand What is the disease.
In this regard, and for completeness, I invite you to read the article "The disease: friend or foe?" Dr. Sebastian Magnano.
In a nutshell, from the point of view hygienistic, the "symptom" (officially called "disease") is the last attempt of Nature, that body, to eliminate all toxins (food, metabolic, emotional, etc.). That have polluted the body.
The constant poisoning toxins enter the bloodstream mainly through:
1) toxemia exogenous, that is external, caused by harmful foods (wrong combination, fermentation, putrefazioni intestinali) o sostanze estranee all’organismo (microbi, batteri, ecc.)
2) Tossiemia endogena, cioè interna, di origine cellulare per la ritenzione di metaboliti. In ogni momento i tessuti (cellule, ecc.) vengono distrutti nel processo chiamato “catabolismo”. Questi sono rifiuti tossici che devono essere espulsi quanto prima dal corpo.
L’avvelenamento, sia per opera di cibi tossici e/o combinazioni errate, sia nel caso dei tessuti distrutti, in un organismo sano, forte e in buona salute, viene ridotto ed eliminato dal sangue rapidamente. Quando invece l’energia nervosa non è sufficiente, il sistema di eliminazione non funziona correttamente provocando la ritenzione toxins and the constant poisoning of the blood and tissues. By the time the poisoning exceeds a threshold, immediately triggered the disease.
The nervous energy is too cold or hot, concerns, trauma, heavy digestion, mental effort and physical fear, the emotional excesses, anger, no rest, etc.. are all conditions that in the long run enervate the human body and dissipate energy.
When the energy is lowered and the individual reaches a certain level (unique and individual for each person) is to delay the elimination of toxins, toxic waste, resulting in storage of waste and toxins that cause autoavvelenamento. The area where
or body is the greatest waste repository depends from person to person, depending on the constitution, from possible predispositions (certainly not genetic, but epigenetic, and environmental), the zone to "least resistance", etc..
anyone interested can see the joints (arthritis, rheumatism, gout, etc..) Someone else a specific organ (liver -> cirrhosis, lung -> pneumonia, kidney -> nephritis, stomach -> gastritis, arteries - -> hypertension, etc.).
disease and symptom
Despite these differences in location does not change the concept of disease: it is always a "vicarious elimination" made by the body to expel toxins and reduce dangerous toxic saturation.
Oddly enough, all factors external to us (cold, heat, microbes, viruses, bacteria, foods, etc..) Can not by itself cause the disease, unless they do not cause weakening of the vital energy and strength, the whose consequence is the delay in the expulsion of toxins.
If and only if the blood becomes saturated with toxins, involved "eliminating vicarious" this disease (or symptoms)!
So in that sense, the disease is nothing but Nature herself who spoke of arrogance, to liberate the toxic load from the body, and tell us that we left the rails of a natural and healthy life.
Our comprehensive lifestyle (nutrition, world of feelings, the world of thoughts, the things we say and how shall we say, etc..) Is called into question. It is for us to understand it and accept it, or we can always turn the other way and take the medicine, the natural product, homeopathic medicine, etc..
All things for good (natural medicine) and bad (toxic drugs) interfere with the mechanism put in place by Nature.
WRONG daily habits (physical-mental-emotional)
Irritation> Inflammation> Hardening> ulcer> fungal (cancer)
Above, the diagram coded by Dr. JH Tilden (1851-1940) that exemplifies the evolution of the disease, it can be concluded that the disease always comes after a generalized toxemia, toxaemia and always comes after a weakening energy caused by wrong lifestyle (as the toxic animal protein foods, the wrong combination, a wild life, little sleep, etc.).
If it all starts with a general weakness and generalized it is logical that the rest (mental, physical, emotional) is essential, and in fact in this perspective, fasting is a degli strumenti chiave.
Virus e batteri
Che ruolo hanno in tutto questo i batteri e virus? Sono esseri così tremendi da dover combattere con ogni strumento?
In questa visione, non sono certo da demonizzare, visto che il nostro corpo è praticamente colonizzato da miliardi di microrganismi, per non parlare dei virus (informazione ricoperta da una proteina) che sono all'ordine del giorno.
Nonostante quello che viene insegnato nelle scuole di medicina, i pericoli non arrivano dall'esterno se il corpo è sano e forte. Un qualsiasi organismo in perfetta salute "resiste" a qualsiasi "entità estranea", mentre un corpo malato, indebolito da pratiche debilitanti (stress, traumi, alimentazione, ecc.) succumb to anything.
Microbes are saprophytic, meaning that feed on dead or dying organic matter. In this way if the tissues are in a state of toxemia, which would necessitate a cleaning, then act positively in favor of health.
If the tissues are healthy, properly nourished and oxygenated, the body has many systems (skin, mucous secretions, bactericidal, white blood cells, proteins, liver, spleen, lymphocytes, etc.). To destroy microorganisms that come accidentally from without ( food, water, breathing, wounds, etc...)
Microorganisms interior, then, are "activated" and / or "off" from our biological terrain and serve as a true "scavengers" to help "clean up" the body in certain pathological situations. Antibiotics (anti-bios "= against life, against nature), for example, destroy all forms of life, preventing microbes from work and healing to manifest.
What is fasting?
We must say that fasting is not a cure nor a treatment: it is "simply" the body's physiological rest!
speak of "fasting therapy," in today's terms, it would hardly be correct, unless you meant by the complex process of self-healing therapy (but we will see shortly). The economic
The Nature of Nature know, does not waste anything.
The normal human body is provided with a supply of nutritional materials set aside as fat, bone marrow, glycogen, muscle extracts, milk, minerals, vitamins, etc..
It sounds impossible, but a healthy body has stored a supply sufficient to overcome the nutrient and appropriate days, weeks and several months without food.
If you are not feeding, the body uses these reserves to feed the tissue, and occurs when these sell out the real weight loss.
In the blood, lymph, bone, especially in the bone marrow, fat, liver and other glands, even in the cells there are reserves of protein, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins for use in times of scarcity.
Thus, the client will not be damaged fasting abstinence if and only if the reserves will be sufficient to meet nutritional needs of tissue and / or primary organs (brain, lungs, heart, nervous system, etc.)..
For example, glycogen (animal starch) stored in the liver, need to be transformed into sugar and distributed to tissues according to the needs. Thousands of people
experiments have established that during fasting the tissues are consumed in the reverse order of their importance: the fat tissue is the first to disappear (the fat disappears from the muscles, but the muscle maintains its integrity and surprising strength). Certainly
fasting decreases the body weight, but this loss, although for a long time, involves the reserves and not the tissue.
Finally, loss of weight varies depending on the nature and quality of materials, physical and emotional turn, the outside temperature, etc..
The emotional stress, exercise, cold and tissues poor accelerate the process of weight loss.
The important rule is "healthy or sick, never force the food in the stomach"
In acute
In acute diseases (inflammation, pain, fever, etc.). Hunger does not arise because the energies devono essere indirizzate verso altre direzioni piuttosto che “sprecate” per la digestione.
L’energia viene deviata dagli organi digestivi verso il lavoro più urgente, e anche il sangue fa la stessa cosa: viene dirottato verso quelle zone che ne richiedono in quantità.
Vi è assenza di succhi gastrici e le pareti del sistema digestivo secernono muco in quantità; i movimenti muscolari dello stomaco vengono sospesi e viene quindi meno la capacità di digerire il cibo.
Non si deve mangiare durante una crisi acuta, sia perché non si digerirebbe correttamente provocando fermentazioni e/o putrefazioni, ma anche perché il digiuno allevia il dolore e alleggerisce il carico di organi come reni e cuore.
In fever, the doctors of Naples 150 years ago, they were fast! Today? The doctor prescribed paracetamol, painkillers, aspirin, and other poisons toxic to the body.
skip some meals, when the first symptoms appear, it is often sufficient to prevent the development of more serious illnesses. In chronic diseases
In chronic diseases a person tends to believe that he was hungry, but his feelings are just irritations of the digestive tract. These symptoms disappear when you fast. During fasting
speed up the processes that release excretory quickly the body of wastes and toxins that cause the disorder
anemia and diabetes, you can not take fasting alone, but need the guidance of an experienced hygienist
Four good reasons to fast
1 - Weight loss. Fasting is the quickest way, safe and efficient way to lose weight.
2 - physiological compensation. When you have to digest a food a large amount of blood flow to the digestive organs and the body must therefore tends to be lazy and fall asleep. If you carry a heavy work, the digestive process is practically suspended. Fast, keeping the digestive energy, allows deviarle to other channels and then to do other jobs.
3 - Rest physiological. Fasting allows the rest of the digestive system, glands, circulatory, respiratory, nervous. More food is ingested, the more work that needs to be done by forming organs such systems in the presence of a fasting these bodies are resting. The glands of the mouth and stomach, the digestive tract, liver and pancreas does not have to work. The heart, the arteries become lighter and refreshed. Glands, except for those that Scernio digestive juices, reduce their secretory activity. Breathing slows down and the nervous system works less.
4 - Elimination. Dr. JH Tilden: "After 55 years in the wild world of medical treatment, I have to declare, without fear of contradiction that fasting is the only conveyor therapeutic safe for humans, "Dr. Felix L.
Oswald: "Fasting is the best system of renewal. Three days of fasting a year purify the blood and eliminate toxins more effectively than a hundred bottles of solutions purgative. "
There is nothing like the fast that it can increase the elimination of waste substances from the blood and tissues.
waste retained or suppressed secretions are expelled from the body and the system is cleansed. It takes a few days to leave the blood and lymph of toxins, but the fasting continues its work and causes the expulsion of toxins that were stored in a long time less important tissues (fat, organs, etc.).
Fasting forces the body to consume (autolysis) all superfluous tissue and nutritional supplies used to support the main fabric. In this sense, the toxins released into circulation would be expelled from the excretory organs.
Excretion Excretion is one of the basic functions of life and is essential for life itself. The body needs to sustain life: assimilation, GROW, excreted
We saw earlier that there is a continuous effort by the body to expel toxins, organic waste and inorganic (metabolism: anabolism and catabolism). All
that the body can not use as food should be expelled from the body.
energies of man are always divided between assimilation and elimination.
During fasting (suspension means) the elimination of waste, toxins reach unique levels.
rest alone increases the removal, though not at the same level.
Anything that diminishes the body's work increases the avoidance
force and energy during fasting
As paradoxical as it may seem, the weak people benefit most from periods of abstinence from food, partly because of the weakness usually not due to lack of food but to a state of intoxication of the body and poor assimilation.
Fasting can cure?
The term "cure" comes from the Latin meaning "attention", "caution". Today
obviously has a different meaning.
Fasting does not "cure" anything is a physiological rest period, the discontinuation of all the effort.
Rest provides the body with the opportunity to do just what he can not do in full activity.
Only when the causes are removed and / or blocked, the body, by itself, can begin to heal. Remove the cause is NOT heal means to make possible that restorative processes, regenerators, refine their work. This is called SELF
Healing, in contrast to cure, is a biological process, not an art.
A surgeon can stitch the wound but can not heal her, can put together the ends of a broken bone but can not join or weld the two sides. ONLY the body can do this.
Healing is a natural process
all healing is really just self-healing and for so fasting is not a cure. As
bodily rest, fasting allows the body to autoguarirsi, providing the body with the opportunity to work with less effort.
Some thing to know in fasting
1 - When you begin to fast almost inevitably arise physical developments that should not be alarmed: white tongue, mouth and bad breath, teeth, mixed, headache, etc..
are all conditions that represent the cleansing process. As soon as the body of toxic discharge his burden, he began the process of purification of the tongue, the tip first and then on the sides and at the end of the mouth and tongue clean.
2 - Urine may become dark, almost black, strong odor, even if you drink only water. Index of labor renal elimination.
3 - The weight loss is due to the use of organic reserves
4 - The weakness is functional due to inactivity. It was very relaxed, the heart and breathing slows down, the movement subsides. The initial weakness was due to the absence of the "usual stimulation: coffee, etc..
5 - The most boring is perhaps represented by nausea and vomiting, but they are major crises purifying.
6 - The rest (physical and mental) is crucial.
7 - moderate outdoor exercise is very important
8 - Cooling inhibits elimination, so you have to stay warm.
9 - Drink pure fresh water, not cold.
10 - sunbathing are a nutritional factor of great help in the jejunum, just non abusarne.
11- Niente purganti durante il digiuno
L’interruzione del digiuno
Il momento ideale per interrompere il digiuno è quando si manifesta il ritorno della fame.
La lingua è pulita e l’alito è sano.
L’interruzione e la ripresa alimentare è fondamentale per non vanificare il tutto.
Si può riprendere mangiando cibi leggeri come frutta e verdure. Tre pasti al giorno, semplici e non ricchi, formati da cibi freschi.
DAL SITO WWW:DISINFORMAZIONE.IT uno dei siti più belli che io abbia consultato negli ultimi anni.
"Il digiuno può salvarvi la vita", dottor Herbert Shelton, ed. Manca
"La Tossiemia primary cause of disease, "Dr. JH Tilden, ed.
missing" toxemia and detoxification "by Emanuele Dimauro, from" Natural Hygiene and Health ", nr.78-79-80, April 2009
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Stein-leventhal Syndrome
From January 1 to June 30 (data are still provisional ) were collected 221 reports of suspected UFO in the region.
As can be seen from the graph reproduced, almost half of these reports are due to the infamous "Chinese lanterns" (Sky Lantern - SL), already widely discussed in this blog.
As was the case last year, the signal peak was recorded in the month of May, also because of the effect took place in UFO media product dall'avvistamento Crispano (NA ) May 28, with the alleged traces found on the premises.
soon be cataloged cases still being considered by the Research Centre SOLARIS, we will give more accurate information to readers of the blog reports on the progress of the first six months of this year.
From January 1 to June 30 (data are still provisional ) were collected 221 reports of suspected UFO in the region.
As can be seen from the graph reproduced, almost half of these reports are due to the infamous "Chinese lanterns" (Sky Lantern - SL), already widely discussed in this blog.
soon be cataloged cases still being considered by the Research Centre SOLARIS, we will give more accurate information to readers of the blog reports on the progress of the first six months of this year.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
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Na mountain runs an
therefore that gent as salutes nen ...
Na mountain runs an
If a vardoma poch andré an stòira the dl'umanità, the s-ciairima that OM al'ha vivù andrinta dle almost always cite the community, dij "clan" , dle Famija nen such big ones, who went to fuss malfa nen tant to understand, to 'nde d'acordo; cite borg spataro an sle colin-and Arlong to the river front to a mainsail rivass' d na roca, tute posission Studio trova per dl'eva, Freida Paresse wool, and Magara Stermaria dai solder forest is both MinC rivavo per barbeje large chicken-mail and read the fomne.
J'esempi dle Comunità cite the ij are Mila and Mila are paisòt is spater ant l'Europe, with Tuti dij nom baravantan, dle posission vo te vote in fan thinks, and Tuti with just different dialect, it seems you custom to the ma smijo tute tute spins are the only manera, and Tuti with only love and only orgheuj per cioché just walk tera ch'a are on. The Coast Community dimension, l'om the Ries combining in the bin, per cheuse faith 'l pan, for fre ij Cavaj, FE Swiveling 'the martinet and mold the funding for Sotra ij death and faith and celebration Minca tant Co feje ac na Nosgnor to God and that to ciameje para ij ej'uve lost from the storm. Tell that to both Mach ant ij paisòt the pas, loli al'é nen Vej, however, say that since Podimata-a balance POLICIES al'é pì bon by ten-and prop because people al'é oblige de S- ciairisse tuti ij day, the breaded, ant ij camp, the ant and Cesa antrames to the feast of pais, from dnans a pint na 'd vin, which makes it an peuj manera, con el temp, squasi suits as the gate Peul rangesse. Ij
paisòt are in the incontrari dle large universities, who went door to humanity is al'é eror or tentassion, and went to live that Riess nen an harmony with creassion.
Profitoma pure costs of an earlier trade Andes mountains, the ant bele Valade of Piedmont, and when that OM in an mountain side, the front pas, antrames Milenario in plants, and Sarvanot to the Marmot, a change tut at once. Ed Long, when ch'it banks, at the veuja Fri 's brand, by de Ste G, and respire coast aira saint of anciochete j'euj Varda cole roche meaning since, and with mach you brich montejo to toe with pants legs. Peuj, doj hours dop, amphorae, en tache to voghe party na 'd to Friday for people to hearing ...
The first thing to do when the Om that 'Om Mbata n'autr an al'é salutesse mountain: self, prop a healthy forest! The Mal
perhaps, with the tentassion moneda dla, dla dla easy life, dl'egoism, al'han bring humanity to live in a andrinta ciadel sensation that cognission al'é modern life, went to the Om 'and "anestetisà" andurmì andrinta with a bordel dla television, the work in, traffic, mobile phones also satchel, Arad unto sbrajasso, tut and Sons in the Mach and nervos Caria, hateful, Gramissa, which are in the peuj conseguense logical dle pì brute maladie.
Om al'ha dësmentia ch'al'é cos' l silense, and thinks that life is soa mach mes to an Sté bordel. For LON-that since a ij pì clearance on when a van that also mountain, As Porta ARADIO from the press!
The fear of the oma tuti silense al'é because that leads to the strategic CHANGE: a Taché has faith in silense by drilling, for Doubt in Taché felo d’andrinta, për sente cola ch’a l’é nòstra vera identità.
Marcé an montagna, për andé ans un brich, a l’é un-a dle rapresentassion pì bele dl’umanità an sla tèra: l’òm, da sol, antrames a le piante, le besc-e e le ròche, a viagia a testa ansù anver a n’obietiv precis: an sla stra a treuva la pas, a dësmentia tute soe gran-e dla vita fòla e sensa sens.
An costa condission ëd pas, ëd Grassia (a gratis), a ambat n’autr òm, e a-i ven natural ëd salutelo për da bin, ëd volej-je “bin”. Nen soneje ‘l clacson e feje ij còrn da ant ël lunòt!
Bon-a mountain tuti.
therefore that gent as salutes nen ...
Na mountain runs an
If a vardoma poch andré an stòira the dl'umanità, the s-ciairima that OM al'ha vivù andrinta dle almost always cite the community, dij "clan" , dle Famija nen such big ones, who went to fuss malfa nen tant to understand, to 'nde d'acordo; cite borg spataro an sle colin-and Arlong to the river front to a mainsail rivass' d na roca, tute posission Studio trova per dl'eva, Freida Paresse wool, and Magara Stermaria dai solder forest is both MinC rivavo per barbeje large chicken-mail and read the fomne.
J'esempi dle Comunità cite the ij are Mila and Mila are paisòt is spater ant l'Europe, with Tuti dij nom baravantan, dle posission vo te vote in fan thinks, and Tuti with just different dialect, it seems you custom to the ma smijo tute tute spins are the only manera, and Tuti with only love and only orgheuj per cioché just walk tera ch'a are on. The Coast Community dimension, l'om the Ries combining in the bin, per cheuse faith 'l pan, for fre ij Cavaj, FE Swiveling 'the martinet and mold the funding for Sotra ij death and faith and celebration Minca tant Co feje ac na Nosgnor to God and that to ciameje para ij ej'uve lost from the storm. Tell that to both Mach ant ij paisòt the pas, loli al'é nen Vej, however, say that since Podimata-a balance POLICIES al'é pì bon by ten-and prop because people al'é oblige de S- ciairisse tuti ij day, the breaded, ant ij camp, the ant and Cesa antrames to the feast of pais, from dnans a pint na 'd vin, which makes it an peuj manera, con el temp, squasi suits as the gate Peul rangesse. Ij
paisòt are in the incontrari dle large universities, who went door to humanity is al'é eror or tentassion, and went to live that Riess nen an harmony with creassion.
Profitoma pure costs of an earlier trade Andes mountains, the ant bele Valade of Piedmont, and when that OM in an mountain side, the front pas, antrames Milenario in plants, and Sarvanot to the Marmot, a change tut at once. Ed Long, when ch'it banks, at the veuja Fri 's brand, by de Ste G, and respire coast aira saint of anciochete j'euj Varda cole roche meaning since, and with mach you brich montejo to toe with pants legs. Peuj, doj hours dop, amphorae, en tache to voghe party na 'd to Friday for people to hearing ...
The first thing to do when the Om that 'Om Mbata n'autr an al'é salutesse mountain: self, prop a healthy forest! The Mal
perhaps, with the tentassion moneda dla, dla dla easy life, dl'egoism, al'han bring humanity to live in a andrinta ciadel sensation that cognission al'é modern life, went to the Om 'and "anestetisà" andurmì andrinta with a bordel dla television, the work in, traffic, mobile phones also satchel, Arad unto sbrajasso, tut and Sons in the Mach and nervos Caria, hateful, Gramissa, which are in the peuj conseguense logical dle pì brute maladie.
Om al'ha dësmentia ch'al'é cos' l silense, and thinks that life is soa mach mes to an Sté bordel. For LON-that since a ij pì clearance on when a van that also mountain, As Porta ARADIO from the press!
The fear of the oma tuti silense al'é because that leads to the strategic CHANGE: a Taché has faith in silense by drilling, for Doubt in Taché felo d’andrinta, për sente cola ch’a l’é nòstra vera identità.
Marcé an montagna, për andé ans un brich, a l’é un-a dle rapresentassion pì bele dl’umanità an sla tèra: l’òm, da sol, antrames a le piante, le besc-e e le ròche, a viagia a testa ansù anver a n’obietiv precis: an sla stra a treuva la pas, a dësmentia tute soe gran-e dla vita fòla e sensa sens.
An costa condission ëd pas, ëd Grassia (a gratis), a ambat n’autr òm, e a-i ven natural ëd salutelo për da bin, ëd volej-je “bin”. Nen soneje ‘l clacson e feje ij còrn da ant ël lunòt!
Bon-a mountain tuti.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How To Get The Best Streaming For My Dell Laptop
Interview with Dr. Mark Rodeghiero dir. CUFOS
propose the interview granted to us via web by Dr. Mark Rodeghiero, CUFOS director of the American center for the study of UFOs founded by prof. JA Hynek, and that we published in Issue SOLARIS 2 of the newsletter came out recently.
The first part is in its original format. The second is translated into Italian and is located at the bottom.
Yet thanks to Dr. Rodeghiero for the attention shown to the Research Center SOLARIS
Dear Dr. Rodeghiero, what has changed in UFO research Actively When He Began to follow this Phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, The Phenomenon Itself has changed. The UFO "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last one in the U.S. in 1973, and the last one in Europe (including Italy) in the late 1970s. These waves were replaced by intense localized and longer term manifestations, such as
the Westchester boomerang wave new New York City in the early 1980s, or the Belgium triangle wave in the 1989-1990.
Second, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field has declined, for a variety of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and debunkers, and the image brought to the field by abduction cases, which are so hard for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, such as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are somewhat the exception.
What she likes and what she does not like ufology today?
I am encourages by the use of online databases and the use of the internet. Communication among researchers is much easier and quicker than it was 10 to 15 years ago. And there is more quality information available for the public, if they can find it (not always easy).But I am discouraged by the poor quality of many current UFO investigations. Complete and thorough investigations are the bedrock of our study of the UFO phenomenon, and without such work, we are unable to study the phenomenon deeply.
The public now feels that UFOs are extraterrestrial in nature. What were and if there are mistakes made ufology to avoid this misinformation?
Some UFOs may well be caused by extraterrestrials, so if I understand your question, I don't consider it a "mistake" that the public may believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Certainly, there are other possible explanations, and I'm convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that is poorly understood by physics (such as what has been reported at Hessdalen). But other reports seem to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe these are aliens from somewhere else than Earth.
Your opinion, as computers and the internet have improved the activity of a ufologist?
As for the 'has worsened?As I mentioned above, I think that computers and the internet have had many benefits for UFO investigators and the public. One disadvantage for existing UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a decrease in subscriptions to UFOperiodicals and memberships in UFO groups. This has been one of the key factors that caused SOBEPS to close and BUFORA to reorganize. And CUFOS has had a loss of support as well, which has affected what we can accomplish.
What plans has the CUFOS is working?
We have several ongoing projects:Michael Swords and Bill Murphy from CUFOS are part of a team working, along with MUFON members, to write a history of government involvement with UFOs. This publication should appear sometime in 2011.We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or cases where vehicles or other equipment have allegedly been affected by UFOs, and try to investigate these cases whenever possible.We have recently begun a long-term project to scan the CUFOS case files and make them readily available. This will take several years to complete given the number of UFO reports in our archive.
He wants to tell a personal anecdote about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who enjoyed hard work, but also relaxing and socializing with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke. He was very open-minded to new experiences, and he was willing to sit down and talk to almost anyone. He looked like, and acted like, the consummate professor. And like many professors, he was a bit disorganzied. He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind his desk or other places.But all in all, we greatly admired and loved him, for his humanity and professional approach to the UFO subject.
trad. italiano
Caro Dr. Rodeghier ,
what has changed in UFO research since she began actively to follow this phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, the phenomenon itself has changed. The "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last in the United States in 1973, and the last in Europe (including Italy), in late 1970. These waves have been replaced by more intense and spread events in the long term, as the wave of boomerang Westchester New York City in the early 1980s, or triangle wave of Belgium between 1989-1990. Secondly, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field is reduced to a series of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and demystify the image and fielded by the abduction cases, which are so difficult for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are a bit 'the exception.
What do you like and do not like the current UFO?
I am encouraged by the use of online databases and Internet use. The communication between researchers is much easier and faster than it was 10 or 15 years ago. And there are a lot of quality information available to people, but if they can find them (not always easy!). But I am discouraged by the low quality of many current investigations of UFOs. Complete and thorough investigations are the foundation of our study on the phenomenon of UFOs, and without this work, we are not able to study in depth this phenomenon.
The public obviously believes that UFOs are extraterrestrial. What were, if there were, the errors in ufology who have created this disinformation?
Some UFOs may be caused by extra-terrestrials, so if I understand your question, I do not consider it a "mistake" that the public might believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Sure, there are other possible explanations, and I am convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that are still poorly understood physics (such as what has been reported in Hessdalen).
But other reports appear to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe that they are unrelated to any other place on Earth
Your opinion on how the computer and the Internet have improved the business a ufologist? How much they have deteriorated?
As I said, I think that computers and the Internet have given many benefits to UFO investigators and the public. A disadvantage for the current UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a reduction in subscriptions to periodicals and membership in UFO research groups. This was one of the key factors that have caused the closing of the reorganization and SOBEPS BUFORA. The CUFOS had a loss of support with the consequences of what we can achieve.
CUFOS is working on what project?
We have several ongoing projects Michael Swords and Bill Murphy of CUFOS are part of a team working together with members of MUFON, to write a story of government involvement with UFOs.
this publication should appear in 2011. We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or where vehicles or other equipment have been affected by alleged UFO, and try to investigate these cases, where possible. Recently we started a long-term project to analyze the files of cases filed by CUFOS and make them immediately available. It will take several years to complete due to the high number of UFO sightings in our archive.
Quadi's been 25 years since his passing. We can tell a personal story about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who could play a tough job, but also relax and socialize with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke.
was very open to new experiences, and was willing to sit down and talk with anyone. He looked and acted as the professor consumed. And how many professors, it was a bit 'careless.
He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind the desk or maybe in other places. But all in all, we very much appreciated and loved, for his humanity and professionalism on the subject of UFOs.
Thanks Mark and good work
The first part is in its original format. The second is translated into Italian and is located at the bottom.
Yet thanks to Dr. Rodeghiero for the attention shown to the Research Center SOLARIS
Dear Dr. Rodeghiero, what has changed in UFO research Actively When He Began to follow this Phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, The Phenomenon Itself has changed. The UFO "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last one in the U.S. in 1973, and the last one in Europe (including Italy) in the late 1970s. These waves were replaced by intense localized and longer term manifestations, such as
Second, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field has declined, for a variety of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and debunkers, and the image brought to the field by abduction cases, which are so hard for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, such as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are somewhat the exception.
What she likes and what she does not like ufology today?
I am encourages by the use of online databases and the use of the internet. Communication among researchers is much easier and quicker than it was 10 to 15 years ago. And there is more quality information available for the public, if they can find it (not always easy).But I am discouraged by the poor quality of many current UFO investigations. Complete and thorough investigations are the bedrock of our study of the UFO phenomenon, and without such work, we are unable to study the phenomenon deeply.
The public now feels that UFOs are extraterrestrial in nature. What were and if there are mistakes made ufology to avoid this misinformation?
Some UFOs may well be caused by extraterrestrials, so if I understand your question, I don't consider it a "mistake" that the public may believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Certainly, there are other possible explanations, and I'm convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that is poorly understood by physics (such as what has been reported at Hessdalen). But other reports seem to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe these are aliens from somewhere else than Earth.
Your opinion, as computers and the internet have improved the activity of a ufologist?
As for the 'has worsened?As I mentioned above, I think that computers and the internet have had many benefits for UFO investigators and the public. One disadvantage for existing UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a decrease in subscriptions to UFOperiodicals and memberships in UFO groups. This has been one of the key factors that caused SOBEPS to close and BUFORA to reorganize. And CUFOS has had a loss of support as well, which has affected what we can accomplish.
What plans has the CUFOS is working?
We have several ongoing projects:Michael Swords and Bill Murphy from CUFOS are part of a team working, along with MUFON members, to write a history of government involvement with UFOs. This publication should appear sometime in 2011.We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or cases where vehicles or other equipment have allegedly been affected by UFOs, and try to investigate these cases whenever possible.We have recently begun a long-term project to scan the CUFOS case files and make them readily available. This will take several years to complete given the number of UFO reports in our archive.
He wants to tell a personal anecdote about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who enjoyed hard work, but also relaxing and socializing with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke. He was very open-minded to new experiences, and he was willing to sit down and talk to almost anyone. He looked like, and acted like, the consummate professor. And like many professors, he was a bit disorganzied. He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind his desk or other places.But all in all, we greatly admired and loved him, for his humanity and professional approach to the UFO subject.
trad. italiano
Caro Dr. Rodeghier ,
what has changed in UFO research since she began actively to follow this phenomenon?
Many things have changed. First, the phenomenon itself has changed. The "classic" UFO waves have disappeared, with the last in the United States in 1973, and the last in Europe (including Italy), in late 1970. These waves have been replaced by more intense and spread events in the long term, as the wave of boomerang Westchester New York City in the early 1980s, or triangle wave of Belgium between 1989-1990. Secondly, the number of serious scientists and professionals working in the field is reduced to a series of reasons, including lack of progress and funding, the work of skeptics and demystify the image and fielded by the abduction cases, which are so difficult for many to believe. There are, of course, some scientists working in the field today, as Teodorani from Italy, or Richard Haines, but they are a bit 'the exception.
What do you like and do not like the current UFO?
I am encouraged by the use of online databases and Internet use. The communication between researchers is much easier and faster than it was 10 or 15 years ago. And there are a lot of quality information available to people, but if they can find them (not always easy!). But I am discouraged by the low quality of many current investigations of UFOs. Complete and thorough investigations are the foundation of our study on the phenomenon of UFOs, and without this work, we are not able to study in depth this phenomenon.
The public obviously believes that UFOs are extraterrestrial. What were, if there were, the errors in ufology who have created this disinformation?
Some UFOs may be caused by extra-terrestrials, so if I understand your question, I do not consider it a "mistake" that the public might believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Sure, there are other possible explanations, and I am convinced that some UFOs are a type of natural phenomena that are still poorly understood physics (such as what has been reported in Hessdalen).
But other reports appear to be caused by objects that are intelligently controlled, and it is only natural that the public might believe that they are unrelated to any other place on Earth
Your opinion on how the computer and the Internet have improved the business a ufologist? How much they have deteriorated?
As I said, I think that computers and the Internet have given many benefits to UFO investigators and the public. A disadvantage for the current UFO groups is that the ease of acquiring information online has led to a reduction in subscriptions to periodicals and membership in UFO research groups. This was one of the key factors that have caused the closing of the reorganization and SOBEPS BUFORA. The CUFOS had a loss of support with the consequences of what we can achieve.
CUFOS is working on what project?
We have several ongoing projects Michael Swords and Bill Murphy of CUFOS are part of a team working together with members of MUFON, to write a story of government involvement with UFOs.
this publication should appear in 2011. We continue to have an interest in cases with physical evidence, or where vehicles or other equipment have been affected by alleged UFO, and try to investigate these cases, where possible. Recently we started a long-term project to analyze the files of cases filed by CUFOS and make them immediately available. It will take several years to complete due to the high number of UFO sightings in our archive.
Quadi's been 25 years since his passing. We can tell a personal story about Prof. Hynek or a personal memory?
Allen Hynek was a wonderful colleague, who could play a tough job, but also relax and socialize with colleagues. He always had a twinkle in his eye, and he loved a good story and a good joke.
was very open to new experiences, and was willing to sit down and talk with anyone. He looked and acted as the professor consumed. And how many professors, it was a bit 'careless.
He regularly "lost" letters that fell behind the desk or maybe in other places. But all in all, we very much appreciated and loved, for his humanity and professionalism on the subject of UFOs.
Thanks Mark and good work
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Cypress Store & Save Packar Bell
Om ej'animaj dla Creassion
The pì bes bes-cia-cia 's suits
Om ej'animaj dla Creassion
Galup al'é' s I can, that bele ... Say "I can" to both mach na word. Chiel al'é there scogiassà against 'the Paje, as'arvita ant ël povrass dla dla gera shorts, deurm as' n tut el hair, to give heart to Dré flies, and that the spectrum from the Cusin seira-a I know the seurta sigilin 'd potarèt Vans. Manga and deurme bauleje to a Mon-ra: na Caden ever seen-a, never by AVU 'ndesse serch for the sbòba lives.
Baicanda well, maybe I am who am "I know," he toca core sota that an 'the sun, with the increasingly crapa Brusati ant ël rheumatoid ij Caveja who went to Friday-or increasingly raire.
the OM, as St. Fransèsch, and Fe al'ha as having become the bes-domestic suits us, even manera who co lor, ant ël temp, to the Creator peusso avèj individuality that OM al'ha AVU ant ij andré temp. For the thousand are manere 'd parleje ar-bes there, with j'esempi and the words, faith that an manera peusso ten-behavioral and that dagger in the community, bele al'organism agricultural mach in the Famija n'agiut, perhaps for a few and Andé Anansi. El horse in Peul TIRE 'the caret, the ASO in the Peul rabasté dl'òrt financing, el canon to the Peul vardo an feje pasture and Galin-e fé j'euv Fulani. Cassini-a, the Famija, formed by the OM and the ce-bes and plants in general and deuv becomes na colaborassion suits coast forms' of life, which becomes deuv "imagine and smijansa" dl'Univers of the Creator . An
cost universe, and freedom and 'd colaborassion, ij and ij can gat to Fri na-o to avèj fonsion, n'utilità, an exchange that freedom dla Noj je doma When that ii lassoma a rebec, ij vindolé ant to ant camp and the cut, release and will come j'osej Servajean bes-ce, ma e colaborator dl'òm doméstich. An expense
way, ij e ij gat dog to live dësgenà soa vita, and sensa sensa sagrin pao 'd gnente with l'arzigh (al'é vaj) d'Andé sbërgnacà sota d'un camion gnaws him, ma bast.
Min, Min .. See if ... Bravo! An
sewn Sita are different: "Oh che bel Gâtine mach vanda (pòvra bes-cia), Sara a gat sperdù" ... Chi sa, "poverino" che che to deuv avejan fam ... "A Vanta save it": "Mino min min, see if good ": to the CIAP, I will be in the na andrinta Gabia and peui" trace ", to tajo 'd longh the bale, so much respect. "J'animaj sterilis and a van will GABIE the ant." And
pareja 'the gat that al'é andaje by DRE from the OM, an universities, pays al'ha cò Chiel' s live close to a tut antrames Coj palass and with asphalt: al'ha lassaje ij "coconèt" sensation savèjne people eal'han Butalia a front-to Gabia to des floor, and supa j'orari dla dla dream, Varda 'quadrèt the world to as' the pes delinquant. Cost al'é "love" that some gent a pòrta për le bes-ce.
La sterilissassion dl’umanità
A voghe da fòra come che a trato le bes-ce pròpi coj là che a diso ‘d voleije pì bin che j’autri, a smija che l’òm a stògna sërcand na giustificassion për avèj sërcà ‘d castré l’umanità, d’avèj ampedì che milion ‘d masnà a podèisso nasse ant l’Europa: l’egoism dl’òm modern, e la sua pao ëd pi nen avèj a basta sòld da sgheiraccé al centro comersial, a l’ha fa an manera ‘d masseje prima che a sauto fòra da la pansa dla mare. Sterilisé un gat, e pratiché l’abòrt, an fin dij cont, a son la stessa ròba: noj massoma e sëmnoma la mòrt përché l’oma pao dla vita. La vita l’oma nen ‘l dirit ëd fërmela, përché soma nen noj ij padron dl’Univers.
La vita tant, a va anans l’istess: dij gat a-i na j’é sempre pì tanti, e le masnà ch’i l’oma massà ant la pansa dla mare adess a traverso ‘l mar con ël gomon për ven-e a coneusse la tèra e la mare andoa che a l’avo da nasse la gira prima....
The pì bes bes-cia-cia 's suits
Om ej'animaj dla Creassion
Galup al'é' s I can, that bele ... Say "I can" to both mach na word. Chiel al'é there scogiassà against 'the Paje, as'arvita ant ël povrass dla dla gera shorts, deurm as' n tut el hair, to give heart to Dré flies, and that the spectrum from the Cusin seira-a I know the seurta sigilin 'd potarèt Vans. Manga and deurme bauleje to a Mon-ra: na Caden ever seen-a, never by AVU 'ndesse serch for the sbòba lives.
Baicanda well, maybe I am who am "I know," he toca core sota that an 'the sun, with the increasingly crapa Brusati ant ël rheumatoid ij Caveja who went to Friday-or increasingly raire.
the OM, as St. Fransèsch, and Fe al'ha as having become the bes-domestic suits us, even manera who co lor, ant ël temp, to the Creator peusso avèj individuality that OM al'ha AVU ant ij andré temp. For the thousand are manere 'd parleje ar-bes there, with j'esempi and the words, faith that an manera peusso ten-behavioral and that dagger in the community, bele al'organism agricultural mach in the Famija n'agiut, perhaps for a few and Andé Anansi. El horse in Peul TIRE 'the caret, the ASO in the Peul rabasté dl'òrt financing, el canon to the Peul vardo an feje pasture and Galin-e fé j'euv Fulani. Cassini-a, the Famija, formed by the OM and the ce-bes and plants in general and deuv becomes na colaborassion suits coast forms' of life, which becomes deuv "imagine and smijansa" dl'Univers of the Creator . An
cost universe, and freedom and 'd colaborassion, ij and ij can gat to Fri na-o to avèj fonsion, n'utilità, an exchange that freedom dla Noj je doma When that ii lassoma a rebec, ij vindolé ant to ant camp and the cut, release and will come j'osej Servajean bes-ce, ma e colaborator dl'òm doméstich. An expense
way, ij e ij gat dog to live dësgenà soa vita, and sensa sensa sagrin pao 'd gnente with l'arzigh (al'é vaj) d'Andé sbërgnacà sota d'un camion gnaws him, ma bast.
Min, Min .. See if ... Bravo! An
sewn Sita are different: "Oh che bel Gâtine mach vanda (pòvra bes-cia), Sara a gat sperdù" ... Chi sa, "poverino" che che to deuv avejan fam ... "A Vanta save it": "Mino min min, see if good ": to the CIAP, I will be in the na andrinta Gabia and peui" trace ", to tajo 'd longh the bale, so much respect. "J'animaj sterilis and a van will GABIE the ant." And
pareja 'the gat that al'é andaje by DRE from the OM, an universities, pays al'ha cò Chiel' s live close to a tut antrames Coj palass and with asphalt: al'ha lassaje ij "coconèt" sensation savèjne people eal'han Butalia a front-to Gabia to des floor, and supa j'orari dla dla dream, Varda 'quadrèt the world to as' the pes delinquant. Cost al'é "love" that some gent a pòrta për le bes-ce.
La sterilissassion dl’umanità
A voghe da fòra come che a trato le bes-ce pròpi coj là che a diso ‘d voleije pì bin che j’autri, a smija che l’òm a stògna sërcand na giustificassion për avèj sërcà ‘d castré l’umanità, d’avèj ampedì che milion ‘d masnà a podèisso nasse ant l’Europa: l’egoism dl’òm modern, e la sua pao ëd pi nen avèj a basta sòld da sgheiraccé al centro comersial, a l’ha fa an manera ‘d masseje prima che a sauto fòra da la pansa dla mare. Sterilisé un gat, e pratiché l’abòrt, an fin dij cont, a son la stessa ròba: noj massoma e sëmnoma la mòrt përché l’oma pao dla vita. La vita l’oma nen ‘l dirit ëd fërmela, përché soma nen noj ij padron dl’Univers.
La vita tant, a va anans l’istess: dij gat a-i na j’é sempre pì tanti, e le masnà ch’i l’oma massà ant la pansa dla mare adess a traverso ‘l mar con ël gomon për ven-e a coneusse la tèra e la mare andoa che a l’avo da nasse la gira prima....
Monday, June 21, 2010
Toddler With Pink Eyelids
Analysis Comparative video Cadoneghe and San Giorgio in Padua Cremano
In the frame retrieved sequence can be seen more clearly in the dark streak that appears under magnification. The frame at the bottom left the streak does not appear because the image is in focus.
This phenomenon is typical of digital camcorders that, during strong magnification and with relapse of light sources of a certain intensity, chromatic aberrations and image distortion.
This is common as Chinese lanterns for the sighting of Cadoneghe, which appear in the frames as "classic" dishes stacked in the early years of the history of UFO reports.
None of this, then. Well-identified objects and terrestrial nature.
The SOLARIS, in view of the video transmitted by TG witness Padua Padua June 18, has identified many similarities with another video made by a witness of St. George in Crema (NA), which reported his sighting on the social network in a given Youtube next June 6. In the latter observed the lights were about a dozen and as described and seen in the movie it was beyond reasonable doubt of Chinese lanterns.
We then performed the analysis of frames captured by two movies in question.
The first set of pictures show successive enlargements made by the witness of one of the Paduan oggetti filmati domenica 13 giugno. I fotogrammi sono stati estratti dal s ervizio di TG Padova trasmesso il 18 giugno.
We then performed the analysis of frames captured by two movies in question.
The first set of pictures show successive enlargements made by the witness of one of the Paduan oggetti filmati domenica 13 giugno. I fotogrammi sono stati estratti dal s ervizio di TG Padova trasmesso il 18 giugno.
I fotogrammi (da sinistra a destra e dall’alto verso il basso) mostrano la sequenza di un ingrandimento in cui, negli ultimi due fotogrammi si nota il centramento dell’oggetto in camera operato dal testimone. In tutti e quattro i frame si osserva la riga scura che “taglia” in due l’oggetto romboidale. Si notano, comunque che vi sono ulteriori striature di colorazione più scura su tutta la superficie dell’oggetto ripreso anche se impercettibili.
Nel Video of San Giorgio a Cremano (shared with neighboring Naples), always produced around June 6 this year, the witness has applied a high magnification on one of the ten items (approximately) observed with the naked eye. The result of the analysis, which is proposed below, is almost comparable to that of the video frames of Cadoneghe.
Nel Video of San Giorgio a Cremano (shared with neighboring Naples), always produced around June 6 this year, the witness has applied a high magnification on one of the ten items (approximately) observed with the naked eye. The result of the analysis, which is proposed below, is almost comparable to that of the video frames of Cadoneghe.

In the frame retrieved sequence can be seen more clearly in the dark streak that appears under magnification. The frame at the bottom left the streak does not appear because the image is in focus.
This phenomenon is typical of digital camcorders that, during strong magnification and with relapse of light sources of a certain intensity, chromatic aberrations and image distortion.
This is common as Chinese lanterns for the sighting of Cadoneghe, which appear in the frames as "classic" dishes stacked in the early years of the history of UFO reports.
None of this, then. Well-identified objects and terrestrial nature.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
General Motor Microcat
also likely lanterns
Cadoneghe 13 to Sunday in the province of Padua have been seen a hundred flaming balls around at 23. The witness, Domenico Zanardini took up the sighting with his camera "figures in fiery form roar of flying at high speed and disappeared in an instant. "
They had become almost a hundred before dissolving suddenly: "It was like a flying object with a glowing diamond slot in between - explains Zanardini - were seen by many, I managed to film them before it fades: they did not no noise and disappeared in seconds "(the source Corriere del Veneto - 18/06/2010).
Cadoneghe 13 to Sunday in the province of Padua have been seen a hundred flaming balls around at 23. The witness, Domenico Zanardini took up the sighting with his camera "figures in fiery form roar of flying at high speed and disappeared in an instant. "
They had become almost a hundred before dissolving suddenly: "It was like a flying object with a glowing diamond slot in between - explains Zanardini - were seen by many, I managed to film them before it fades: they did not no noise and disappeared in seconds "(the source Corriere del Veneto - 18/06/2010).
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Lola Luftnagle Foto's
few heartfelt thanks
After a few months of life, our blog has reached over the 1200 visits. Many thanks to all web readers and in particular employees of the Research Centre SOLARIS which are around Campania. A special thanks to our friend Gildo CISU Person of Lazio, which is our most active contributors outside the region
After a few months of life, our blog has reached over the 1200 visits. Many thanks to all web readers and in particular employees of the Research Centre SOLARIS which are around Campania. A special thanks to our friend Gildo CISU Person of Lazio, which is our most active contributors outside the region
Why Does My Oil Furnace Shoot A Stream Of Oil
LED Balloon: be the new catchphrase? VIDEO
While raging swarms of Chinese lanterns for the whole coastal area is emerging as a new trend that we have reason to believe, will replace the Chinese near future gadgets.
We propose a video of " led balloon, inflated with helium balloons containing colored LEDs.
We propose a video of " led balloon, inflated with helium balloons containing colored LEDs.
Eyes ....
Cute Butterfly Wordpress Theme
water and man
La pioggia ha fatto ancor disastri. L'acqua che é uno degli elementi essenziali della vita sulla terra, ha dimostrato ancora una volta its strength.
Man aparecchi portrait with his two-dimensional, the effect of water in Vars, a region of France close to us.
therefore analyzes this morning the 14 photos found on the website of "busiarda" (the press). 7 photos
In the main subject are the cars. In
6 photos governing the work of man "removed" with a splash of water falling from the sky by the force. 11
In this picture is the man, intent on target stunned, embarrassed that the water of the sky has its certainties.
It 's very nice THAT' from image showing two trucks slowly lulled by the current, which, lying in bed River water color of the earth, are floating-rolling to the sea.
Man looks at the wonders of his creation, the world of consumerism, floating among the waves of mud. The mud is composed of land and water at the same time. The drivers of two trucks had regularly taken a "café" long at the bar regularly quarreled in their hearts when no one had reported the "clignotant" to turn right, avevanno regularly come to terms to what it would cost to turn back van just three years, and take the new model as there is an incentive and that "I pass it well," the old man had walked on the usual puddle on the gravel road that leads home, that road che nessuno aggiusta perched "I vicini toccherebbe" ascoltavano entrambi lo zoo di 105 ", the Campagnia di gente che molti su questa viaggia Fitta Ragnatela strade di caotiche, per" guadagnare "quanto serve per" spenders "nella società. In
a single image, we can see (top), the image of nature del watered by water, two small creeks that overflowed its precious contents in the fields, we can easily imagine feeling of joy anfoncée trees in this wet ground, to see the fish swam through the fields in search of something reminiscent of new, well laid that birds on trees, are driven to watch the show. Ceci est le spectacle de la puissance de la nature; aucune plante mourirà pour la cause de cet aurage: aucun poisson ou oiseaux aura reporté de consequences.
L'homme seule à reporté 20 mort, 20 àmes qui ont laissez ces monde terrestre pour fair acces au monde de l' Esprit.
il y a a que reflechir.
Alla prima pisciata di acqua dal cielo, le nostre certezze svaniscono, le nostra auto galleggiano , le nostre vie e case si sgretolano, e noi affondiamo perché l'indurimento del nostro cuore, che é diventato una pietra, ci impedisce di restare a galla.
La notizia: 100mila persone senza corrente. Tutto qui?
La pioggia ha fatto ancor disastri. L'acqua che é uno degli elementi essenziali della vita sulla terra, ha dimostrato ancora una volta its strength.
Man aparecchi portrait with his two-dimensional, the effect of water in Vars, a region of France close to us.
therefore analyzes this morning the 14 photos found on the website of "busiarda" (the press). 7 photos
In the main subject are the cars. In
6 photos governing the work of man "removed" with a splash of water falling from the sky by the force. 11
In this picture is the man, intent on target stunned, embarrassed that the water of the sky has its certainties.
It 's very nice THAT' from image showing two trucks slowly lulled by the current, which, lying in bed River water color of the earth, are floating-rolling to the sea.
Man looks at the wonders of his creation, the world of consumerism, floating among the waves of mud. The mud is composed of land and water at the same time. The drivers of two trucks had regularly taken a "café" long at the bar regularly quarreled in their hearts when no one had reported the "clignotant" to turn right, avevanno regularly come to terms to what it would cost to turn back van just three years, and take the new model as there is an incentive and that "I pass it well," the old man had walked on the usual puddle on the gravel road that leads home, that road che nessuno aggiusta perched "I vicini toccherebbe" ascoltavano entrambi lo zoo di 105 ", the Campagnia di gente che molti su questa viaggia Fitta Ragnatela strade di caotiche, per" guadagnare "quanto serve per" spenders "nella società. In
a single image, we can see (top), the image of nature del watered by water, two small creeks that overflowed its precious contents in the fields, we can easily imagine feeling of joy anfoncée trees in this wet ground, to see the fish swam through the fields in search of something reminiscent of new, well laid that birds on trees, are driven to watch the show. Ceci est le spectacle de la puissance de la nature; aucune plante mourirà pour la cause de cet aurage: aucun poisson ou oiseaux aura reporté de consequences.
L'homme seule à reporté 20 mort, 20 àmes qui ont laissez ces monde terrestre pour fair acces au monde de l' Esprit.
il y a a que reflechir.
Alla prima pisciata di acqua dal cielo, le nostre certezze svaniscono, le nostra auto galleggiano , le nostre vie e case si sgretolano, e noi affondiamo perché l'indurimento del nostro cuore, che é diventato una pietra, ci impedisce di restare a galla.
La notizia: 100mila persone senza corrente. Tutto qui?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
How Do You Disinfect Earings
Vi presento a website that I admire and appreciate. below an article at home (not so), an invitation to seguirer valdissimo this site.
- Page vaccinations
The vaccine research is important to the Gates Foundation ... Translated by Cristina Bassi
Mercola.com - taken from www.thelivingspirits.net
The news that translate the following (from mercola.com) is one of those who do fear against those who are attentive to the manipulations and machinations of Big Pharma on our health. There neither was the philanthropy of Mr. Gates ...
From Washington Post, January 30, 2010: (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/29/AR2010012903953.html):
"The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation plans to donate 10 billion dollars over the next decade for research into new vaccines, according to the statements of the co-founder of Microsoft and his wife. They also asked that we help the government and the business world.
"We must make this the decade of the vaccines," said Bill Gates.
"Vaccines are a miracle," said Melinda Gates. (And told her to leave it all ... ed)
"Only with a few doses, they can prevent for life threatening diseases, "she says. ...
Here is the comment of Dr. Mercola:
The Gates Foundation has made perhaps the largest donation in the history, but unfortunately it involves a disastro in attesa di compimento, causa la falsa credenza che più medicine siano la risposta ai problemi di salute nel mondo.
Ciò che veramente mi disorienta è come questi 10 miliardi non possano essere considerati un sussidio diretto alle industrie farmaceutiche, dato che saranno le uniche a beneficiarne.
L’autore di Politicol News l’ha detta meglio:
“L’annuncio di 10 miliardi di dollari per pompare, a livello mondiale, più profitti nelle industrie del farmaco è il più grande errore che ha fatto Gates dopo quello di Microsoft Vista.”
Come una delle voci più rispettate al mondo, Gates ha una opportunità unica per richiamare l’attenzione su important social issues, creating a large global impact. Instead he let himself be seduced by special interests and is wasting its resources, along with the opportunity to make a real difference.
It 's a pity that all the money is not going to solutions that are truly aimed at the underlying problems, such as nutrition, clean water, health and vitamin D.
All that money would have built many water purification systems in India or Haiti? How many plumbing?
In bed with Big Pharma
Donate money for the children of the world is certainly laudable and I would never think that someone is wrong to do so. But playing in tandem with the pharmaceutical industry and expect altruism, is - at best - naive.
I have great respect for the intellectual prowess of Gates and I really hard to believe that he does not know the truth about vaccines.
The problem is that Gates has no interest in natural healing systems and then relies on consultants rooted in the fatally flawed conventional medical paradigm, which believes that vaccines are the cure for all diseases.
Indeed, the Gates Foundation is deeply associated with Big Pharma and even Monsanto, as you can see from their recent associations:
- In 2006, Gates assumed the vice-president of Monsanto, Robert Horsch [i] since joining the Foundation
- In 2001, Gates added to its board of directors Raymond Gilmartin of Merck
- In 2002 Gates invested $ 205 million in 9 of the big pharmaceutical companies
- In recent years, the Gates Foundation has given more than $ 4.5 billion for research on vaccines
Vaccinate those with compromised immune system is a recipe for disaster
order to eradicate infectious diseases from one nation, first of all we must go to those who have compromised immune systems. If you hit with a potent vaccine for children by the immune system suppressed, you will create disease, rather than eradicate it. If you pause
carefully about this, because clearly that vaccines suppress immune functions of the body.
death and disease in developing countries are often a result of malnutrition, associated with this type of problems [ii]:
- children with inadequate protein in their diet are unable to produce antibodies after receiving various vaccines, because in this way is compromised the ability to produce white blood cells, which are essential to fight infections.
- is more likely that the bodies of malnourished children being penetrated by infectious organisms, due to insufficient vitamin C, this means that their skin will break more easily and thus facilitate the entry of bacteria and other organisms.
- the living conditions of Third World children are often so poor that they are exposed to a large number of pathogens, from which they have little defense.
- the most common cause of death among children in developing countries is diarrhea.
- children of the third world are often in battle with various types of infection for 200 days a year.
Even Healthy children have immature immune systems, but the vaccines administered to children who are in a generally weak state of health, is a sure recipe for disaster.
has more money than sense
initiatives fail when they lose sight of the solutions to the root of the problem.
For example, Kristi Helm (Seattle Times [iii]) cites the initiative Avahan [iv]) of the Gates Foundation, which is a program of $ 258 million designated to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS in India. E 'documented that the program is run by highly paid business consultants, rather than by people who are experienced in public health.
Solution Gates had to pay even more money this year, another 80 million dollars-instead of seeing why the program had not happened.
Margarita Quintanilla, a community health coordinator, who worked in Nicaragua and is the recipient of the Gates Foundation, expressed concern about how the multinationals want to integrate technical solutions without spending a reflection on the needs of basic social infrastructure, such as education. This woman has had more success in teaching basic concepts such as hand washing to reduce infections.
Quintanilla said
"We must be wise and intelligent in our solutions. We have a responsibility to promote change in the right way."
technology has not always been the key to solving the problems of health, education and poverty: it is necessary to implement social structures.
Los Angeles Times: Gates of the African Programme for AIDS threatens children
Myopia of Gates evident from this another step taken by his philanthropy.
The Los Angeles Times reports that in 2007, generous gifts from the Gates Foundation to fight the 'HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa have inadvertently put many children at risk. [V]
At that time, efforts to combat those specific diseases requiring highly specialized medical training, but led to a shortage of doctors. So ironically
more children died of common diseases like diarrhea and sepsis (generalized infection throughout the body, ndt).
While there is no doubt that money is fundamentally important to save the lives of vulnerable children, there will be no progress if the money is not directed at the underlying problems that are based primarily on lifestyle. Translated by Cristina Bassi
[i] "Monsanto vice president joins the Gates Foundation" (October 19, 2006) Organic Consumers Association
[ii] S. Urvina "Malnutrition in Third World Countries" (1984)
[iii] K. Helm "Two words missing from Gates Foundation vocabulary" (July 30, 2009) Seattle Times
[iv] Avahan: India AIDS Initiative,
[v] C Piller and Smith D. "Unintended Victims" (December 16, 2007) Los Angeles Times
Vi presento a website that I admire and appreciate. below an article at home (not so), an invitation to seguirer valdissimo this site.
- Page vaccinations
The vaccine research is important to the Gates Foundation ... Translated by Cristina Bassi
Mercola.com - taken from www.thelivingspirits.net
The news that translate the following (from mercola.com) is one of those who do fear against those who are attentive to the manipulations and machinations of Big Pharma on our health. There neither was the philanthropy of Mr. Gates ...
From Washington Post, January 30, 2010: (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/29/AR2010012903953.html):
"The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation plans to donate 10 billion dollars over the next decade for research into new vaccines, according to the statements of the co-founder of Microsoft and his wife. They also asked that we help the government and the business world.
"We must make this the decade of the vaccines," said Bill Gates.
"Vaccines are a miracle," said Melinda Gates. (And told her to leave it all ... ed)
"Only with a few doses, they can prevent for life threatening diseases, "she says. ...
Here is the comment of Dr. Mercola:
The Gates Foundation has made perhaps the largest donation in the history, but unfortunately it involves a disastro in attesa di compimento, causa la falsa credenza che più medicine siano la risposta ai problemi di salute nel mondo.
Ciò che veramente mi disorienta è come questi 10 miliardi non possano essere considerati un sussidio diretto alle industrie farmaceutiche, dato che saranno le uniche a beneficiarne.
L’autore di Politicol News l’ha detta meglio:
“L’annuncio di 10 miliardi di dollari per pompare, a livello mondiale, più profitti nelle industrie del farmaco è il più grande errore che ha fatto Gates dopo quello di Microsoft Vista.”
Come una delle voci più rispettate al mondo, Gates ha una opportunità unica per richiamare l’attenzione su important social issues, creating a large global impact. Instead he let himself be seduced by special interests and is wasting its resources, along with the opportunity to make a real difference.
It 's a pity that all the money is not going to solutions that are truly aimed at the underlying problems, such as nutrition, clean water, health and vitamin D.
All that money would have built many water purification systems in India or Haiti? How many plumbing?
In bed with Big Pharma
Donate money for the children of the world is certainly laudable and I would never think that someone is wrong to do so. But playing in tandem with the pharmaceutical industry and expect altruism, is - at best - naive.
I have great respect for the intellectual prowess of Gates and I really hard to believe that he does not know the truth about vaccines.
The problem is that Gates has no interest in natural healing systems and then relies on consultants rooted in the fatally flawed conventional medical paradigm, which believes that vaccines are the cure for all diseases.
Indeed, the Gates Foundation is deeply associated with Big Pharma and even Monsanto, as you can see from their recent associations:
- In 2006, Gates assumed the vice-president of Monsanto, Robert Horsch [i] since joining the Foundation
- In 2001, Gates added to its board of directors Raymond Gilmartin of Merck
- In 2002 Gates invested $ 205 million in 9 of the big pharmaceutical companies
- In recent years, the Gates Foundation has given more than $ 4.5 billion for research on vaccines
Vaccinate those with compromised immune system is a recipe for disaster
order to eradicate infectious diseases from one nation, first of all we must go to those who have compromised immune systems. If you hit with a potent vaccine for children by the immune system suppressed, you will create disease, rather than eradicate it. If you pause
carefully about this, because clearly that vaccines suppress immune functions of the body.
death and disease in developing countries are often a result of malnutrition, associated with this type of problems [ii]:
- children with inadequate protein in their diet are unable to produce antibodies after receiving various vaccines, because in this way is compromised the ability to produce white blood cells, which are essential to fight infections.
- is more likely that the bodies of malnourished children being penetrated by infectious organisms, due to insufficient vitamin C, this means that their skin will break more easily and thus facilitate the entry of bacteria and other organisms.
- the living conditions of Third World children are often so poor that they are exposed to a large number of pathogens, from which they have little defense.
- the most common cause of death among children in developing countries is diarrhea.
- children of the third world are often in battle with various types of infection for 200 days a year.
Even Healthy children have immature immune systems, but the vaccines administered to children who are in a generally weak state of health, is a sure recipe for disaster.
has more money than sense
initiatives fail when they lose sight of the solutions to the root of the problem.
For example, Kristi Helm (Seattle Times [iii]) cites the initiative Avahan [iv]) of the Gates Foundation, which is a program of $ 258 million designated to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS in India. E 'documented that the program is run by highly paid business consultants, rather than by people who are experienced in public health.
Solution Gates had to pay even more money this year, another 80 million dollars-instead of seeing why the program had not happened.
Margarita Quintanilla, a community health coordinator, who worked in Nicaragua and is the recipient of the Gates Foundation, expressed concern about how the multinationals want to integrate technical solutions without spending a reflection on the needs of basic social infrastructure, such as education. This woman has had more success in teaching basic concepts such as hand washing to reduce infections.
Quintanilla said
"We must be wise and intelligent in our solutions. We have a responsibility to promote change in the right way."
technology has not always been the key to solving the problems of health, education and poverty: it is necessary to implement social structures.
Los Angeles Times: Gates of the African Programme for AIDS threatens children
Myopia of Gates evident from this another step taken by his philanthropy.
The Los Angeles Times reports that in 2007, generous gifts from the Gates Foundation to fight the 'HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa have inadvertently put many children at risk. [V]
At that time, efforts to combat those specific diseases requiring highly specialized medical training, but led to a shortage of doctors. So ironically
more children died of common diseases like diarrhea and sepsis (generalized infection throughout the body, ndt).
While there is no doubt that money is fundamentally important to save the lives of vulnerable children, there will be no progress if the money is not directed at the underlying problems that are based primarily on lifestyle. Translated by Cristina Bassi
[i] "Monsanto vice president joins the Gates Foundation" (October 19, 2006) Organic Consumers Association
[ii] S. Urvina "Malnutrition in Third World Countries" (1984)
[iii] K. Helm "Two words missing from Gates Foundation vocabulary" (July 30, 2009) Seattle Times
[iv] Avahan: India AIDS Initiative,
[v] C Piller and Smith D. "Unintended Victims" (December 16, 2007) Los Angeles Times
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Keeping Puppies Out Of Swimming Pool
Scafati (SA)

During the 2010 edition of the Notte Bianca , held June 1, a group of young people have launched a dozen of Chinese lanterns to celebrate the event. Some reports come from the city and surrounding areas have
raised a new alarm UFO. None of that.
Cicciano (NA)
A similar situation occurred outside the "Palio of the Districts" of Cicciano where many balloons have been launched. The
chermesse of 2 (The Ngiugno ended with the "laser show" (as in the program Pro-loco).
Some people have reported in the area of \u200b\u200bRoccarainola avvistamneti alleged UFO related events held in the Cicciano (The Nolan 04/06/2010)
A similar situation occurred outside the "Palio of the Districts" of Cicciano where many balloons have been launched. The
chermesse of 2 (The Ngiugno ended with the "laser show" (as in the program Pro-loco).
Some people have reported in the area of \u200b\u200bRoccarainola avvistamneti alleged UFO related events held in the Cicciano (The Nolan 04/06/2010)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Dirt Bikes For Sale Cheap
EFFECT Crispi psychosis UFO? There is no confirmation
Sebbene già prima del 28 maggio si erano registrate numerose segnalazioni di presunti oggetti volanti non identificati principalmente nella zona nord di Napoli e provincia, i fatti di Crispano hanno avuto l'effetto di detonatore facendo esplodere una pseudo psicosi da UFO.
Si presume che una volta organizzato tutto il materiale raccolto in questi giorni ci troveremo di fronte a più di un centinaio di avvistamenti nel solo periodo di fine maggio inizio giugno.
Il 97% di ciò che è stato osservato e già stored in our records appear to be reports of sky lantern though spend the same witnesses are reluctant to this explanation.
L ' effect Crispano also produced sightings of simple balloons at high altitude as it has a witness who has sent us some photos taken in the area of \u200b\u200bthe railway station pious zza Garibaldi in Naples which will offer an on the side.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Second Day Pill Menstruation
instrumental Crispano
Surveillance cameras positioned in the immediate vicinity of the field on which were found traces of the alleged UFO reported by some witnesses between the night of May 26 and 27 have not confirmed anything to corroborate the stories. The instruments
Capodichino airport radar did not detect any abnormal traffic.
some newspapers report the news that the Police have forwarded to the General Security Department of the Air Force has a special section dealing with unidentified flying objects (UFO) all documentation and aerial photos of the area taken from helicopters.
Surveillance cameras positioned in the immediate vicinity of the field on which were found traces of the alleged UFO reported by some witnesses between the night of May 26 and 27 have not confirmed anything to corroborate the stories. The instruments
Capodichino airport radar did not detect any abnormal traffic.
some newspapers report the news that the Police have forwarded to the General Security Department of the Air Force has a special section dealing with unidentified flying objects (UFO) all documentation and aerial photos of the area taken from helicopters.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Magic Shaving Cream For Pubic Hair
I do not buy eggs and milk
I do not buy eggs and milk.
And do not try to count bales : place for a goat and four chickens there we have it all, moving a little off-road motorcycle and a third car, a piece of communal garden ....
With all the grass that's out there and that cost us time and gasoline to destroy ...
And if one does not have to take place 4 hens and a goat, you'd better do a little reflection of where did it go, and how selfishness has passed on to others the production of their own food.
I do not buy eggs and milk.
And do not try to count bales : place for a goat and four chickens there we have it all, moving a little off-road motorcycle and a third car, a piece of communal garden ....
With all the grass that's out there and that cost us time and gasoline to destroy ...
And if one does not have to take place 4 hens and a goat, you'd better do a little reflection of where did it go, and how selfishness has passed on to others the production of their own food.
Friday, May 28, 2010
2010 Linda Goodman Horoscope
Alleged UFO UFO Trace Crispano
According to the press, last night (May 28) an operator of ecological Crispano, reported the sighting of two bright balls of apparent size of about 1 meter deep red that are stationed for a few seconds and then they vanished. Following visits by the police were found in a field near the sighting traces of crushing the grass and the police Casoria and the Municipal Police have cordoned off the area for the relief of the case. They have crammed dozens of people arrived on the scene and some local television crew. Still there
understand it, if the reporting of 42-year old witness and the alleged traces in the field adjacent to the wilderness area of \u200b\u200bthe sighting are related to each other.
Below we publish some links to sites that have given the news:
The Morning: http://online.ilmattino.it/articolo.php?id=103947&sez=NAPOLI&npl =
Read: http:/ / www.leggo.it/articolo.php?id=64247&sez=ITALIA
Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno: http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/lecce/notizie/cronaca/ 2010/28-maggio-2010/avvistate-cielo-due-grandi-sfere-ufo--1703101853100.shtml
Naples North http://www.napolinord.info/ index.php? option = com_content & task = view & id = 4298 & Itemid = 2
The news was also broadcast by Studio Aperto (Italy 1) ed. of 18:30 and from within the program TG3 Night Line.
Research Center SOLARIS informed by what emerges in the coming hours.
(photo Newfotosud)

understand it, if the reporting of 42-year old witness and the alleged traces in the field adjacent to the wilderness area of \u200b\u200bthe sighting are related to each other.
Below we publish some links to sites that have given the news:
The Morning: http://online.ilmattino.it/articolo.php?id=103947&sez=NAPOLI&npl =
Read: http:/ / www.leggo.it/articolo.php?id=64247&sez=ITALIA
Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno: http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/lecce/notizie/cronaca/ 2010/28-maggio-2010/avvistate-cielo-due-grandi-sfere-ufo--1703101853100.shtml
Naples North http://www.napolinord.info/ index.php? option = com_content & task = view & id = 4298 & Itemid = 2
The news was also broadcast by Studio Aperto (Italy 1) ed. of 18:30 and from within the program TG3 Night Line.
Research Center SOLARIS informed by what emerges in the coming hours.
(photo Newfotosud)
Is It Necessary To Take Bath After Masterbation?
Happy Birthday
Of Picio has had so many friends, but Peter Giovannini is unbeatable. To present it allow me to publish the invitation to your next 40th birthday, a concentration of sado-Coglio-sketch humor, which is very good.
I'm going to this festival, and clearly you're all invited to me. Just follow the Ten Commandments ...
see pictures
Of Picio has had so many friends, but Peter Giovannini is unbeatable. To present it allow me to publish the invitation to your next 40th birthday, a concentration of sado-Coglio-sketch humor, which is very good.
I'm going to this festival, and clearly you're all invited to me. Just follow the Ten Commandments ...
see pictures

Friday, May 7, 2010
Orange Bridesmaid Dresses
On hearing of the way, the best among men with zeal to explore the whole.
The average person hears about it and adopt it and put it in writing.
But the vulgar, to hear the news, laugh loud, and if you do not laugh, that was not the street.
Lao-Tzu, Tao Te-Chang.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Joni's Beach Rentals-panama City Beach, Fl.
On hearing of the Way to Much-dle The cover-up and large-
Sëmnoma our smens!
El materialism and greed are at the specific Characteristics dl'umanità since that al'ha ancaminaje 'l-a century passed since the day of ancheuj, ecession sensation.
Parland dë smens ij with me and avsin amis, Fri am to believe that soon the Andes of Saroma obliges changes with l'Gospel 'd St. Matthew ...
"Gesù al'ha Dije: campagnin al'é has had a per Semne. And Antanta ch'a Semne at the Ed smens al'é arlongh shut the stra, walk ch'a are rivaje j'osej eal'han mangiala. N'autra part of smens al'é s'un have giairos shut in, walk ch'a was time Coture ....» Cost doimila AGN ed parents Andrew rode nor the categories of the smens dla Grand Baciass. The fold
Cost articolo, l'Aira al'ha you 'd in good to fold, fruit al'é ed meditassion coast: in sinquant'agn, ij Campagnini Fasse are to take away the smens. The smens in Son La Richesse dla tèra, Real Nosgnor God, and son is giving away free to farmers who always al'han cujije ant ij sò fields for the pianteje dapress ann. And Sons by vairo thousand agn. And never al'é death and stating that each fam. If I
stoma atento, the voghima sinquant'agn to banks that now-a suit from the stuff-a ambal al'é pien 's diseases, eal'han fane chërde that more noffink Peul in pots if the smens' is nen andrinta step in the factories.
Sinquant'agn andré, an Italy-a pen aj'era finije La Guera, a few as an Iraq now, and (varda cas) Coj al'avo that makes s-ciop La Guera and peuj vagnala je stess dl'Iraq of a son now. To have the TACA, with food and I know agiut agrìcoj to masenté raw materials and we usually pais. Slowly, with the economy well studied, al'han fane Gave tips and GABIE dla meira, Gaven for the autonomy of our avèj smens an AC, and faith in dovreje polenta and feed sensation dovèj noffink cate. Now that the stuff that to smija vala pì noffink, with the tacoma rendisse realize that the suits are a big Fabrice de smens masentà Famija from the usual 'd Merican (varda cas), e che noi i soma diventà obligà a caté sempre le smens da lor (dasnò a-i nass pì gnente); sensa parlé dle maisin-e, che mai come adess a son stà indispensabile për coltivé fruta e vërdura.
La vita as cata nen
Ël muliné ëd Corgnan a paga 35 euro al quintal la meira d’eut file sëcca, e as peulo cheuje 10-12 quintaj për giornà, che vardand da la mira econòmica a fà ciapé tanti sòld come col bes-ciass ëd meira moderna àuta tre méter, che a ciucia tuta l’eva dij camp, che a sa ‘d van e che as peul nen mangesse. E se veule prové a angrassé le bes-ce - polastr bocin e crave - con la meira d'eut files, which podrai voghe to Fri-bele or shiny, very fat and Ed bon IMORI and if veule, the Peul Ciapa ant ël sach dla your flour a pound-a, the banks in your AC and fomna dije: "Monica, buta Sons cheuse pants to the potage that ancheuj mangioma our polenta. The polenta that to Fri from our fields, andrugià with liam n our plants with our funding, cola 't go dontré dla dismantled in vaults for voghe if "makes a row," and arcaussà Cudia as na Masna.
Manga stuff toa toa mange ch'it
While polenta, which is to Fri from toa tèra, which will be 'd safe stuff pì bon-a of the world, en pense ch'il'oma faje tropes pastiss tèra to coast, for FE manera that to an increasingly rendèissa time, for CIAP increasingly a lot of money, and that costs money now, one day, to vniran to valej pì noffink, and we are Saroma smens sensation, sensation polenta, pharyngeal sensa-a way to provide for FE 's Pan ... Bela campaign!
Speroma ant-a providensa the divine? No, veja stuff costs! Ij Merican to Speroma that it'll be with the supermarket davsin Fasso nen AC, went to the bank that suits your stuff pì-bon and the world, from bananas to salmon BEIC Chile 's dla bale of the oven and polenta: Now, the burden becomes modern!
Copiright "Journal d'Alba 2010
Sëmnoma our smens!
El materialism and greed are at the specific Characteristics dl'umanità since that al'ha ancaminaje 'l-a century passed since the day of ancheuj, ecession sensation.
Parland dë smens ij with me and avsin amis, Fri am to believe that soon the Andes of Saroma obliges changes with l'Gospel 'd St. Matthew ...
"Gesù al'ha Dije: campagnin al'é has had a per Semne. And Antanta ch'a Semne at the Ed smens al'é arlongh shut the stra, walk ch'a are rivaje j'osej eal'han mangiala. N'autra part of smens al'é s'un have giairos shut in, walk ch'a was time Coture ....» Cost doimila AGN ed parents Andrew rode nor the categories of the smens dla Grand Baciass. The fold
Cost articolo, l'Aira al'ha you 'd in good to fold, fruit al'é ed meditassion coast: in sinquant'agn, ij Campagnini Fasse are to take away the smens. The smens in Son La Richesse dla tèra, Real Nosgnor God, and son is giving away free to farmers who always al'han cujije ant ij sò fields for the pianteje dapress ann. And Sons by vairo thousand agn. And never al'é death and stating that each fam. If I
stoma atento, the voghima sinquant'agn to banks that now-a suit from the stuff-a ambal al'é pien 's diseases, eal'han fane chërde that more noffink Peul in pots if the smens' is nen andrinta step in the factories.
Sinquant'agn andré, an Italy-a pen aj'era finije La Guera, a few as an Iraq now, and (varda cas) Coj al'avo that makes s-ciop La Guera and peuj vagnala je stess dl'Iraq of a son now. To have the TACA, with food and I know agiut agrìcoj to masenté raw materials and we usually pais. Slowly, with the economy well studied, al'han fane Gave tips and GABIE dla meira, Gaven for the autonomy of our avèj smens an AC, and faith in dovreje polenta and feed sensation dovèj noffink cate. Now that the stuff that to smija vala pì noffink, with the tacoma rendisse realize that the suits are a big Fabrice de smens masentà Famija from the usual 'd Merican (varda cas), e che noi i soma diventà obligà a caté sempre le smens da lor (dasnò a-i nass pì gnente); sensa parlé dle maisin-e, che mai come adess a son stà indispensabile për coltivé fruta e vërdura.
La vita as cata nen
Ël muliné ëd Corgnan a paga 35 euro al quintal la meira d’eut file sëcca, e as peulo cheuje 10-12 quintaj për giornà, che vardand da la mira econòmica a fà ciapé tanti sòld come col bes-ciass ëd meira moderna àuta tre méter, che a ciucia tuta l’eva dij camp, che a sa ‘d van e che as peul nen mangesse. E se veule prové a angrassé le bes-ce - polastr bocin e crave - con la meira d'eut files, which podrai voghe to Fri-bele or shiny, very fat and Ed bon IMORI and if veule, the Peul Ciapa ant ël sach dla your flour a pound-a, the banks in your AC and fomna dije: "Monica, buta Sons cheuse pants to the potage that ancheuj mangioma our polenta. The polenta that to Fri from our fields, andrugià with liam n our plants with our funding, cola 't go dontré dla dismantled in vaults for voghe if "makes a row," and arcaussà Cudia as na Masna.
Manga stuff toa toa mange ch'it
While polenta, which is to Fri from toa tèra, which will be 'd safe stuff pì bon-a of the world, en pense ch'il'oma faje tropes pastiss tèra to coast, for FE manera that to an increasingly rendèissa time, for CIAP increasingly a lot of money, and that costs money now, one day, to vniran to valej pì noffink, and we are Saroma smens sensation, sensation polenta, pharyngeal sensa-a way to provide for FE 's Pan ... Bela campaign!
Speroma ant-a providensa the divine? No, veja stuff costs! Ij Merican to Speroma that it'll be with the supermarket davsin Fasso nen AC, went to the bank that suits your stuff pì-bon and the world, from bananas to salmon BEIC Chile 's dla bale of the oven and polenta: Now, the burden becomes modern!
Copiright "Journal d'Alba 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Birthday Cakes For Mothers
OF CULTURAL "southern question" Males and females
My favorite reading for 2009: one of the books to which I devoted my last year. I'll introduce in this summary, but please buy it, to help the author. Ask in the library. good reading.
Many historians in modern times have shed light on the events that marked the unification of Italy showing with certainty that the culture of "scheme" put forth, from the early years of unity, a veil over events "Risorgimento" e sul loro reale evolversi.
Tutte le forme d'influenza sulla pubblica opinione furono messe in opera, per impedire che la sconfitta dei Borboni o la rivolta del popolo meridionale si colorasse di toni positivi.
Si cercò di rendere patetica e ridicola la figura di Francesco II - il "Franceschiello" della vulgata – arrivando alla volgarità di far fare dei fotomontaggi della Regina Maria Sofia in pose pornografiche, che furono spediti a tutti i governi d'Europa e a Francesco II stesso, il quale, figlio di una "santa" e allevato dai preti, con ogni probabilità non aveva mai visto sua moglie nuda nemmeno dal vivo. Risultò, in seguito, che i fotomontaggi erano stati eseguiti da una coppia di fotografi dubious, such Diotallevi, who confessed to have acted on the Committee of the National Committee, and the story made headlines, though false, was used in order to undermine the reputation of the two sovereigns in exile.
The memory of King Ferdinand II, father of Francis, was tarnished by allegations of brutality and savagery: he was written by Gladstone - take an interest - to have been - he catholic - "the denial of God."
Above all, we minimized the size of a rebellion which inflamed all over the former Kingdom of Naples, reducing it to "common banditry," as we read in the newspapers of the day (newspapers, however, published only in the north since the freedom of Print was abolished in the South until December 31, 1865), was born the legend of the Risorgimento "nastiness" of the Bourbons as opposed to "goodness" of Piedmont and Savoy, who fill the pages of textbooks.
remain to clarify the reasons behind the academic first the Kingdom of Italy, the Fascist period and then the Republic, to maintain almost the present day, a version of the facts so far from the truth.
In my opinion the reasons are composite, but the result of a concept that D'Azeglio enunciated in the last century, "We have made Italy, now we must make Italians," and can be illustrated as follows:
a. The world of culture post-unification worked to eradicate the consciousness and memory of those people who had to be Italian, so the pirate and cruentisissimo with which the unit was obtained, blanketing legends of the "heroic" work of Garibaldi ( which were, despite everything, sooner or later the army crushed the Bourbon), downplaying the fact that the real conquest of the south was obtained, in reality, the Piedmontese army, through the vicissitudes of civil war - despite the formal annexation to the United Piemonte - and silence, above all, the fact that the populations of the south, except for a minority of landowners and intellectuals, had no desire to be "liberated" and indeed reacted violently against those who, rightly, were considered invaders.
However it gave the Bourbon monarchy deposed traviata and distorted image, and the '700 and '800 Neapolitan vision, a liar, a period of oppression and misery left by the people of the south which is emancipated, finally, with unity, freed from slavery by the Piedmontese Garibaldi and the "foreigner".
b. The Ministry of Education and popular culture of the fascist period, it was stretched to the pursuit of nationalistic values \u200b\u200band tied a double thread to the Savoy dynasty, did not, for obvious reasons, no desire to type "revisionist," even bringing back the ' origin of nation to the Roman period and skipped a millennium of history south. The fascist government had the undeniable merit of attempting to trigger a mechanism of economic recovery south of reality, but from a historical point of view even more covered up the issue of the South as both unnecessary and damaging the plant's cultural system.
c. The Italian Republic, the war, kept intact, in essence, the system of public education of the fascist period.
The nation emerged, we must not forget, by a civil war, in which the warring factions had, with the Republic of Salò, divided into two to Italy, the Sicilian separatist movement was in full agitation (these were the years of companies Salvatore Giuliano), was certainly not the time to raise doubts about the veracity of the history of the Risorgimento and food so the separatist thesis.
They came this way today, where even now, in many textbooks, the history of southern Italy and in particular, is shamefully mystified.
In the economic vision that is called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was, if anything, even farther from reality.
South Bourbon, as Nicola Zitarosa us back was: "A country economically structured on its size. Since, at that time, the foreign trade facilitated by the fact che nel settore delle produzioni mediterranee il paese meridionale era il piú avanzato al mondo, saggiamente i Borbone avevano scelto di trarre tutto il profitto possibile dai doni elargiti dalla natura e di proteggere la manifattura dalla concorrenza straniera. Il consistente surplus della bilancia commerciale permetteva il finanziamento d'industrie, le quali, erano sufficientemente grandi e diffuse, sebbene ancora non perfette e con una capacità di proiettarsi sul mercato internazionale limitata, come, d'altra parte, tutta l'industria italiana del tempo (e dei successivi cento anni). (...) Il Paese era pago di sé, alieno da ogni forma di espansionismo territoriale e coloniale. La sua evoluzione economica era lenta, ma sicura. Chi reggeva lo State was contrary to the political stakes and preferred to measure growth in relation to employment of the working classes. System in Naples, the bourgeoisie's business was not the dominant class, to which the general interests were sacrificed obtusely, as in the Kingdom of Sardinia, but it was a class in the service of the national economy. "
In fact the central problem of the whole story is that in 1860 Italy was made, but became very ill. Beyond the horrific carnage that brought the unit, the people of the South suffer and yet so evident failures of a process of political unification of Italy, which was implemented without taking into account the minimum diversity, economic needs and aspirations delle popolazioni che venivano aggregate.
La formula del "piemontismo", vale a dire della mera e pedissequa estensione degli ordinamenti giuridici ed economici del Regno di Piemonte all'intero territorio italiano, che fu adottata dal governo, e i provvedimenti "rapina" che si fecero ai danni dell'erario del Regno di Napoli, determinarono un'immediata e disastrosa crisi del sistema sociale ed economico nei territori dell'ex Regno di Napoli e il suo irreversibile collasso.
D'altronde le motivazioni politiche che avevano portato all'unità erano – come sempre accade – in subordine rispetto a quelle economiche.
Se si parte dall'assunto, ampiamente dimostrato, che lo stato finanziario the south was very solid in 1860, promotes a better understanding the mechanisms that triggered his downfall.
Under the liberal policy set by Cavour, the southern country, with nearly nine million inhabitants, with its significant savings, with its foreign exchange earnings, appeared to be a delicacy. The abnormal
national debt was procured from Piedmont belligerent and expansionist policy of Cavour (three wars in ten years!) Had to be restored and the greed of the bourgeois class to which the Piedmontese wars had made (and to which the Cavour belonged to the same full title) was, in some way satisfied.
describe economic events and linked to the world of banking and finance, may be the reader, I realize, boring, but you can not understand some of the events if they know the intimate implications.
The Savoy had been provided with a monetary system that provided for the issue of paper money while the system Bourbon issued only gold and silver along with so-called faiths of credit "and" policy notice "to which yet this the exact equivalent in gold poured into the coffers of the Bank of the Two Sicilies. Piedmont
The problem was not complying with the "convertibility" of its currency, which means that for every pound of paper Piedmont did not correspond to an equivalent value Gold paid at the issuing bank, that due to the insane policy of the state expenditure on armaments.
In short the currency Piedmont was waste paper, while the Neapolitan was solid and, by its very nature a convertible (a coin Bourbon had its value in itself because the quantity of gold or silver contained in it had value nearly the same as nominal). So
cites still Zitarosa: "Without the looting of the country's saving historic Bourbon, Italy Savoy did not have a future. On the same resource was awarded the National Bank of the Sardinian States. The mountain of money in circulation in the South would provide five hundred million gold and silver, a huge mass to be allocated to reserves, which the central bank Sardinia - at that time had only one hundred million - could build a house of paper money banking top three billion. Like the Devil, Bombrini, and Bastogi Balduino (owners and founders of the bank, which later became Bank of Italy) and non-woven spun, and yet they had set up shop to sell wool. In short, for the Piedmontese, the plundering of the South was the only answer at hand, groped to overcome the trouble that had started. "
Following the occupation of Piedmont was immediately prevented the Tour of the Two Sicilies (then divided into Banco di Napoli and Banco di Sicilia) to round from the market to turn their coins into paper money as stipulated by the Piedmontese, as in this way the banks could issue paper money for a value of 1.2 billion and could control the whole Italian financial market (although the two banks was permitted to issue paper money for a few years). That gold, however, passed through special operations in the Piedmont cases.
However the reserve of the new Bank of Italy, there appeared to be confiscated all the gold (see Acts of Parliament about the time).
Obviously part of this had taken other paths, which for the most part were those of setting up and financing firms in the north operated by new banks that have invested in the north to the north, but with the huge capital raised in the south.
Even now, in hindsight, the banking system suffers from the south of the setting then you gave. Credit institutions adopt policies still very different between north and south, making the collection of savings and investment in the South in the North.
The final blow to the economy of the south was given by adding the debt Piedmont huge in 1859 (it was the most indebted in Europe), all'irrilevante debt of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with a public finance system maybe investing a little stiffly, but withdrew that very little from the pockets of their subjects. The result was that people and companies in the South, they had to pay a huge tax burden, both to pay the debts incurred by the Government of Savoy in pre-unification period (even to buy those guns rifled barrel that allowed the victory over Bourbon) , both the Italian government to contract debts to follow: it in a mad rush all''armamento, characterized by scandal and corruption, became, with its bonds, the lure of business locations in Europe.
Zitarosa again writes the historian: "The rhetoric of unity, which covered special interests, do not be fooled. The innovative decisions taken by Cavour, when taxes were the whole of Italy, had already proven to be unsuccessful in Piedmont. A wish to pursue that road was the political cynicism of Cavour and his successors, the one and the other bank of more men than true patriots. A change of course would amount to un'autosconfessione. When, at the end, those "innovations" were also imposed in the South, had the function of a noose.
took only a few months because the joints of the manufacturing country, which needed no further enlargement of the market to function, were suppressed.
Agriculture, which fed the foreign trade, once freed of the constraints that are imposed on exports of commodities of Bourbon popular consumer products, recorded a growth excessive and uncontrollable, and it took twenty years because governments Savoy arrived to worship. Immediately, the unitary state was the worst enemy that the South had ever had, worse than the Angevin, Aragonese, Spaniards, Austrians, Frenchmen, and the revolutionaries that the Imperial ".
However, a development policy, one thousand mistakes and economic disasters epochal (think the failure of the Banca Romana, the main funder of the unitary state or scandal Bastogi for the award of contracts stations), was implemented only in the North while the South and ended up paying the costs of war of annexation, and the costs become astronomical modernization of the north.
The government adopted in Turin against the former Kingdom of Naples a policy of mere exploitation of such "colonial" so as to exclaim to the deputy Francesco Noto in the parliamentary session of November 20, 1861: "This invasion is not union, not annexation ! This is our wish to exploit the land as a conquest. The government of Piedmont wants to deal with the southern provinces such as Cortez and Pizarro in Peru and Mexico were, like the English in the kingdom of Bengal. "
dissennatamente liberal policy of the unity government led, however, the newly united Italy and weak economy to a financial crash.
Large società d'affari francesi ed inglesi fecero invece, attraverso i loro mediatori piemontesi, affari d'oro.
Nel 1866, nonostante il considerevole apporto aureo delle banche del sud, la moneta italiana fu costretta al "corso forzoso" cioè fu considerata dalle piazze finanziarie inconvertibile in oro. Segno inequivocabile di uno stato delle finanze disastroso e di un'inflazione stellare. I titoli di stato italiani arrivarono a valere due terzi del valore nominale, quando quelli emessi dal governo borbonico avevano un rendimento medio del 18%.
Ci vorranno molti decenni perché l'Italia postunitaria, dal punto di vista economico, possa riconquistare una qualche credibilità.
L'odierna arretratezza economy of the South is the daughter of those choices wicked and at least fifty years of reckless economic policy and absolutely forget the former Kingdom of Naples by the state unit.
You will have to wait to see the fascist period undertaken some development policy of the South with a structural intervention on its territory by building roads, schools, water systems (the Apulian all), distilleries and factories, the recovery of a policy reclamation of agricultural land, the completion of some railway lines as the Foggia-Capo di Leuca - begun by Ferdinand II of Bourbon, forgotten by the governments of Savoy and finally terminated by the fascist. But the damage
and had already made disasters: a real economy in the South no longer existed and his forces were younger and better emigrated abroad.
Despite interventions in the 50s of the twentieth century with the Marshall Plan (also with new inequalities between north and south), 60s and 70s with the Fund for the South and economic assistance to the European Union today the gap that separates the South from the rest of Italy is still considerable.
The population of the Kingdom of Naples, decimated by massacres of the period of "banditry", exhausted by years of war, devastation and atrocities of all kinds, in order to survive, it will give life to the great transoceanic migration of the last decades' 800, that will continue, with a quick turnaround in the fascist period and a diversification of destinations that will become Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, almost to the day.
The South will pay, once again, with the cash flow generated by the work and sacrifice of southern migrants, the development of industrial Italy.
I think, in conclusion, that is a right of the people of southern regain that piece of history that after 1860 the country was torn and duty of the faculty of the state foster more objective historical analysis of those facts that have so much weight had and still have in the social development of the country, including a selection of textbooks more careful and impartial.
The war between the north and the south of Italy can not be fought more on the battlefields of the Volturno, Garigliano, in the stands or in the countryside of Gaeta infested with "bandits", but it is no less alive, continues today on the grounds of an historic culture backward and lying to, feeding a vision of the South "genetically" backward, producing a further rift between the two "ethnic groups" that have not been popular ever.
The debate is still open and lively on the assumption of a federal Italy, the bright tones of the Party of the Northern League, an aversion, a hidden but real, between the people of the north and south, despite the "mixing" due to 'migration internal evidence of what these issues, born in 1860 are still relevant today.
Today the unity of the state, in a period where advancement through political-economic supranational institutions like the European Union, is certainly a value to be protected, but the south is due to a policy and a special attention, a policy linked to His real interest, which values \u200b\u200bits enormous resources go along and its vocation, in partial compensation of disasters and injustices of the unity it has brought.
The huge number of deaths that cost the annexation, the 23 million migrants from the south of the last century, which have highly contributed to the cost of enormous efforts, the creation of modern Italy and viable practice that deserve recognition and respect that for 140 years the State, through a longstanding culture of lying, denied him and that today's heirs of the nation Napoletana claim.
"counterstory Unification of Italy"
MCE Publisher
My favorite reading for 2009: one of the books to which I devoted my last year. I'll introduce in this summary, but please buy it, to help the author. Ask in the library. good reading.
"counterstory Unification of Italy" by CARLO COPPOLA MCE Publisher
Many historians in modern times have shed light on the events that marked the unification of Italy showing with certainty that the culture of "scheme" put forth, from the early years of unity, a veil over events "Risorgimento" e sul loro reale evolversi.
Tutte le forme d'influenza sulla pubblica opinione furono messe in opera, per impedire che la sconfitta dei Borboni o la rivolta del popolo meridionale si colorasse di toni positivi.
Si cercò di rendere patetica e ridicola la figura di Francesco II - il "Franceschiello" della vulgata – arrivando alla volgarità di far fare dei fotomontaggi della Regina Maria Sofia in pose pornografiche, che furono spediti a tutti i governi d'Europa e a Francesco II stesso, il quale, figlio di una "santa" e allevato dai preti, con ogni probabilità non aveva mai visto sua moglie nuda nemmeno dal vivo. Risultò, in seguito, che i fotomontaggi erano stati eseguiti da una coppia di fotografi dubious, such Diotallevi, who confessed to have acted on the Committee of the National Committee, and the story made headlines, though false, was used in order to undermine the reputation of the two sovereigns in exile.
The memory of King Ferdinand II, father of Francis, was tarnished by allegations of brutality and savagery: he was written by Gladstone - take an interest - to have been - he catholic - "the denial of God."
Above all, we minimized the size of a rebellion which inflamed all over the former Kingdom of Naples, reducing it to "common banditry," as we read in the newspapers of the day (newspapers, however, published only in the north since the freedom of Print was abolished in the South until December 31, 1865), was born the legend of the Risorgimento "nastiness" of the Bourbons as opposed to "goodness" of Piedmont and Savoy, who fill the pages of textbooks.
remain to clarify the reasons behind the academic first the Kingdom of Italy, the Fascist period and then the Republic, to maintain almost the present day, a version of the facts so far from the truth.
In my opinion the reasons are composite, but the result of a concept that D'Azeglio enunciated in the last century, "We have made Italy, now we must make Italians," and can be illustrated as follows:
a. The world of culture post-unification worked to eradicate the consciousness and memory of those people who had to be Italian, so the pirate and cruentisissimo with which the unit was obtained, blanketing legends of the "heroic" work of Garibaldi ( which were, despite everything, sooner or later the army crushed the Bourbon), downplaying the fact that the real conquest of the south was obtained, in reality, the Piedmontese army, through the vicissitudes of civil war - despite the formal annexation to the United Piemonte - and silence, above all, the fact that the populations of the south, except for a minority of landowners and intellectuals, had no desire to be "liberated" and indeed reacted violently against those who, rightly, were considered invaders.
However it gave the Bourbon monarchy deposed traviata and distorted image, and the '700 and '800 Neapolitan vision, a liar, a period of oppression and misery left by the people of the south which is emancipated, finally, with unity, freed from slavery by the Piedmontese Garibaldi and the "foreigner".
b. The Ministry of Education and popular culture of the fascist period, it was stretched to the pursuit of nationalistic values \u200b\u200band tied a double thread to the Savoy dynasty, did not, for obvious reasons, no desire to type "revisionist," even bringing back the ' origin of nation to the Roman period and skipped a millennium of history south. The fascist government had the undeniable merit of attempting to trigger a mechanism of economic recovery south of reality, but from a historical point of view even more covered up the issue of the South as both unnecessary and damaging the plant's cultural system.
c. The Italian Republic, the war, kept intact, in essence, the system of public education of the fascist period.
The nation emerged, we must not forget, by a civil war, in which the warring factions had, with the Republic of Salò, divided into two to Italy, the Sicilian separatist movement was in full agitation (these were the years of companies Salvatore Giuliano), was certainly not the time to raise doubts about the veracity of the history of the Risorgimento and food so the separatist thesis.
They came this way today, where even now, in many textbooks, the history of southern Italy and in particular, is shamefully mystified.
In the economic vision that is called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was, if anything, even farther from reality.
South Bourbon, as Nicola Zitarosa us back was: "A country economically structured on its size. Since, at that time, the foreign trade facilitated by the fact che nel settore delle produzioni mediterranee il paese meridionale era il piú avanzato al mondo, saggiamente i Borbone avevano scelto di trarre tutto il profitto possibile dai doni elargiti dalla natura e di proteggere la manifattura dalla concorrenza straniera. Il consistente surplus della bilancia commerciale permetteva il finanziamento d'industrie, le quali, erano sufficientemente grandi e diffuse, sebbene ancora non perfette e con una capacità di proiettarsi sul mercato internazionale limitata, come, d'altra parte, tutta l'industria italiana del tempo (e dei successivi cento anni). (...) Il Paese era pago di sé, alieno da ogni forma di espansionismo territoriale e coloniale. La sua evoluzione economica era lenta, ma sicura. Chi reggeva lo State was contrary to the political stakes and preferred to measure growth in relation to employment of the working classes. System in Naples, the bourgeoisie's business was not the dominant class, to which the general interests were sacrificed obtusely, as in the Kingdom of Sardinia, but it was a class in the service of the national economy. "
In fact the central problem of the whole story is that in 1860 Italy was made, but became very ill. Beyond the horrific carnage that brought the unit, the people of the South suffer and yet so evident failures of a process of political unification of Italy, which was implemented without taking into account the minimum diversity, economic needs and aspirations delle popolazioni che venivano aggregate.
La formula del "piemontismo", vale a dire della mera e pedissequa estensione degli ordinamenti giuridici ed economici del Regno di Piemonte all'intero territorio italiano, che fu adottata dal governo, e i provvedimenti "rapina" che si fecero ai danni dell'erario del Regno di Napoli, determinarono un'immediata e disastrosa crisi del sistema sociale ed economico nei territori dell'ex Regno di Napoli e il suo irreversibile collasso.
D'altronde le motivazioni politiche che avevano portato all'unità erano – come sempre accade – in subordine rispetto a quelle economiche.
Se si parte dall'assunto, ampiamente dimostrato, che lo stato finanziario the south was very solid in 1860, promotes a better understanding the mechanisms that triggered his downfall.
Under the liberal policy set by Cavour, the southern country, with nearly nine million inhabitants, with its significant savings, with its foreign exchange earnings, appeared to be a delicacy. The abnormal
national debt was procured from Piedmont belligerent and expansionist policy of Cavour (three wars in ten years!) Had to be restored and the greed of the bourgeois class to which the Piedmontese wars had made (and to which the Cavour belonged to the same full title) was, in some way satisfied.
describe economic events and linked to the world of banking and finance, may be the reader, I realize, boring, but you can not understand some of the events if they know the intimate implications.
The Savoy had been provided with a monetary system that provided for the issue of paper money while the system Bourbon issued only gold and silver along with so-called faiths of credit "and" policy notice "to which yet this the exact equivalent in gold poured into the coffers of the Bank of the Two Sicilies. Piedmont
The problem was not complying with the "convertibility" of its currency, which means that for every pound of paper Piedmont did not correspond to an equivalent value Gold paid at the issuing bank, that due to the insane policy of the state expenditure on armaments.
In short the currency Piedmont was waste paper, while the Neapolitan was solid and, by its very nature a convertible (a coin Bourbon had its value in itself because the quantity of gold or silver contained in it had value nearly the same as nominal). So
cites still Zitarosa: "Without the looting of the country's saving historic Bourbon, Italy Savoy did not have a future. On the same resource was awarded the National Bank of the Sardinian States. The mountain of money in circulation in the South would provide five hundred million gold and silver, a huge mass to be allocated to reserves, which the central bank Sardinia - at that time had only one hundred million - could build a house of paper money banking top three billion. Like the Devil, Bombrini, and Bastogi Balduino (owners and founders of the bank, which later became Bank of Italy) and non-woven spun, and yet they had set up shop to sell wool. In short, for the Piedmontese, the plundering of the South was the only answer at hand, groped to overcome the trouble that had started. "
Following the occupation of Piedmont was immediately prevented the Tour of the Two Sicilies (then divided into Banco di Napoli and Banco di Sicilia) to round from the market to turn their coins into paper money as stipulated by the Piedmontese, as in this way the banks could issue paper money for a value of 1.2 billion and could control the whole Italian financial market (although the two banks was permitted to issue paper money for a few years). That gold, however, passed through special operations in the Piedmont cases.
However the reserve of the new Bank of Italy, there appeared to be confiscated all the gold (see Acts of Parliament about the time).
Obviously part of this had taken other paths, which for the most part were those of setting up and financing firms in the north operated by new banks that have invested in the north to the north, but with the huge capital raised in the south.
Even now, in hindsight, the banking system suffers from the south of the setting then you gave. Credit institutions adopt policies still very different between north and south, making the collection of savings and investment in the South in the North.
The final blow to the economy of the south was given by adding the debt Piedmont huge in 1859 (it was the most indebted in Europe), all'irrilevante debt of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, with a public finance system maybe investing a little stiffly, but withdrew that very little from the pockets of their subjects. The result was that people and companies in the South, they had to pay a huge tax burden, both to pay the debts incurred by the Government of Savoy in pre-unification period (even to buy those guns rifled barrel that allowed the victory over Bourbon) , both the Italian government to contract debts to follow: it in a mad rush all''armamento, characterized by scandal and corruption, became, with its bonds, the lure of business locations in Europe.
Zitarosa again writes the historian: "The rhetoric of unity, which covered special interests, do not be fooled. The innovative decisions taken by Cavour, when taxes were the whole of Italy, had already proven to be unsuccessful in Piedmont. A wish to pursue that road was the political cynicism of Cavour and his successors, the one and the other bank of more men than true patriots. A change of course would amount to un'autosconfessione. When, at the end, those "innovations" were also imposed in the South, had the function of a noose.
took only a few months because the joints of the manufacturing country, which needed no further enlargement of the market to function, were suppressed.
Agriculture, which fed the foreign trade, once freed of the constraints that are imposed on exports of commodities of Bourbon popular consumer products, recorded a growth excessive and uncontrollable, and it took twenty years because governments Savoy arrived to worship. Immediately, the unitary state was the worst enemy that the South had ever had, worse than the Angevin, Aragonese, Spaniards, Austrians, Frenchmen, and the revolutionaries that the Imperial ".
However, a development policy, one thousand mistakes and economic disasters epochal (think the failure of the Banca Romana, the main funder of the unitary state or scandal Bastogi for the award of contracts stations), was implemented only in the North while the South and ended up paying the costs of war of annexation, and the costs become astronomical modernization of the north.
The government adopted in Turin against the former Kingdom of Naples a policy of mere exploitation of such "colonial" so as to exclaim to the deputy Francesco Noto in the parliamentary session of November 20, 1861: "This invasion is not union, not annexation ! This is our wish to exploit the land as a conquest. The government of Piedmont wants to deal with the southern provinces such as Cortez and Pizarro in Peru and Mexico were, like the English in the kingdom of Bengal. "
dissennatamente liberal policy of the unity government led, however, the newly united Italy and weak economy to a financial crash.
Large società d'affari francesi ed inglesi fecero invece, attraverso i loro mediatori piemontesi, affari d'oro.
Nel 1866, nonostante il considerevole apporto aureo delle banche del sud, la moneta italiana fu costretta al "corso forzoso" cioè fu considerata dalle piazze finanziarie inconvertibile in oro. Segno inequivocabile di uno stato delle finanze disastroso e di un'inflazione stellare. I titoli di stato italiani arrivarono a valere due terzi del valore nominale, quando quelli emessi dal governo borbonico avevano un rendimento medio del 18%.
Ci vorranno molti decenni perché l'Italia postunitaria, dal punto di vista economico, possa riconquistare una qualche credibilità.
L'odierna arretratezza economy of the South is the daughter of those choices wicked and at least fifty years of reckless economic policy and absolutely forget the former Kingdom of Naples by the state unit.
You will have to wait to see the fascist period undertaken some development policy of the South with a structural intervention on its territory by building roads, schools, water systems (the Apulian all), distilleries and factories, the recovery of a policy reclamation of agricultural land, the completion of some railway lines as the Foggia-Capo di Leuca - begun by Ferdinand II of Bourbon, forgotten by the governments of Savoy and finally terminated by the fascist. But the damage
and had already made disasters: a real economy in the South no longer existed and his forces were younger and better emigrated abroad.
Despite interventions in the 50s of the twentieth century with the Marshall Plan (also with new inequalities between north and south), 60s and 70s with the Fund for the South and economic assistance to the European Union today the gap that separates the South from the rest of Italy is still considerable.
The population of the Kingdom of Naples, decimated by massacres of the period of "banditry", exhausted by years of war, devastation and atrocities of all kinds, in order to survive, it will give life to the great transoceanic migration of the last decades' 800, that will continue, with a quick turnaround in the fascist period and a diversification of destinations that will become Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, almost to the day.
The South will pay, once again, with the cash flow generated by the work and sacrifice of southern migrants, the development of industrial Italy.
I think, in conclusion, that is a right of the people of southern regain that piece of history that after 1860 the country was torn and duty of the faculty of the state foster more objective historical analysis of those facts that have so much weight had and still have in the social development of the country, including a selection of textbooks more careful and impartial.
The war between the north and the south of Italy can not be fought more on the battlefields of the Volturno, Garigliano, in the stands or in the countryside of Gaeta infested with "bandits", but it is no less alive, continues today on the grounds of an historic culture backward and lying to, feeding a vision of the South "genetically" backward, producing a further rift between the two "ethnic groups" that have not been popular ever.
The debate is still open and lively on the assumption of a federal Italy, the bright tones of the Party of the Northern League, an aversion, a hidden but real, between the people of the north and south, despite the "mixing" due to 'migration internal evidence of what these issues, born in 1860 are still relevant today.
Today the unity of the state, in a period where advancement through political-economic supranational institutions like the European Union, is certainly a value to be protected, but the south is due to a policy and a special attention, a policy linked to His real interest, which values \u200b\u200bits enormous resources go along and its vocation, in partial compensation of disasters and injustices of the unity it has brought.
The huge number of deaths that cost the annexation, the 23 million migrants from the south of the last century, which have highly contributed to the cost of enormous efforts, the creation of modern Italy and viable practice that deserve recognition and respect that for 140 years the State, through a longstanding culture of lying, denied him and that today's heirs of the nation Napoletana claim.
"counterstory Unification of Italy"
MCE Publisher
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