Monday 17 gennaio 2011
Il noto ufologo sannicolese ha presentato alla Rai la prima postazione automatica di rilevamento di fenomeni in atmosfera. L’impianto รจ stato installato presso la propria abitazione.
Nell’ambito dei progetti del Centro Ricerche Solaris, lo studioso di ufologia sannicolese Giovanni Ascione ha presentato ai cronisti di TV7, rotocalco settimanale della Rai, la prima postazione automatica di rilevamento di fenomeni in atmosfera, installata in via sperimentale presso la propria abitazione sita in Via Pertini. Il progetto ha come scopo quello di creare una rete di monitoraggio automatico dei nostri cieli al fine record events 24 hours 24. The data collected will serve as objective support in the event of reports of suspected unidentified phenomena reported by witnesses to the secretariat of the Centre. The station has already produced initial results registered on 12.09.2010 the passage of a fireball in the constellation of Orion on 12.09.2011 and on 10.03.2010 a large meteor. But there have been surprises as the recording of a strange bright light and a very low share of 2.00 to 19.10.2010. The light also seems to change form. The study of the video is also being examined by other researchers who have gained great experience in the use of optical equipment. In the preliminary phase has been highlighted a strong similarity with a luminous phenomenon taken under the project CIPH (Italian Committee Hessdalen Project) in the famous Valley of Hessdalen in Norway. E 'Ascione intention to request the assistance of the town of San Nicola and the Civil Defence to investigate the possibility of implanting the automatic location of remote sensing at a public facility in a dimly lit area, then to extend the network to other workstations interconnected territory. If successful, our joint venture would be the first to have a similar installation on a permanent basis with an echo of a wide scientific interest and a definite interest from schools located throughout the area.
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