Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Does Drinking Beer Affect Football

Commerce in downtown Vicenza (s Carnival!)

Mi sono incantato a Vicenza di fronte a una vetrina, allestita da una libreria, dov'erano disposti gli oggetti per il Carnevale: identici a quarant'anni fa probabilmente a hundred if I recall, unless the package, which has become more organized ... The industrial city has become, is lighted with neon, the American stores driven out the shops of old, but the nature of the underground and disheartened check on these occasions. Perhaps the objects of which I speak was not manufactured on site, but packed in the series, perhaps in a foreign country. But someone had chosen them according to that precise taste, to the exclusion of all others, and are certainly nothing intentional, just because it was being done. Thus in one place, and not in others, born some fruits, bergamot on the tip of Calabria, the date here and there fishing. "

Piovene, 1961
[PS tomorrow comes "on Thursday, gassed"]


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