Varda Anansi, before Andrea.
n'autra come to us voghe manera la vita
A Sempra my dame a l'han Gena bring a passo che scrive a temp so poesìe, Romans, liters, he ansima artìcoj andré temp; ansima a tute le Veje things, like unto j'ero pants at clearance on Jupiter, and panting like a dim na that time and that now dim pì nan (bele st'invern that passes the oma gavasse the veuja dla dim!) .
PI tut, lon fastudi which loves giving and costs in the air and pioresse A with that many people did, a brut with REPORTS ël temp ancheuj to live, because they are always an cowl think and speaks and "na time."
Cheidun to podra of "Prop I, Batista, That you Write an Piemonteisa that it vaj gir with an ij carton and cardboard, which are en-and the music of Piedmont tradissionaj pareja en dise na stuff?" They
dj'apassionà veul nen ëd tradission to them nostalgic dij temp andré: life in our society dla deuv after 'nde Anansi. Our bases are a cultural coast, the coast and fat oma a heartfelt, strategic na from 'ndeje of Apress; my pants ideja Lenghe the regional and the local culture that is perhaps of a servo as agregassion , which deuv Deje fireplace na cossiensa social and colaborassion, and the work in the Community, and NO lenghìstica political identity that serves to arconosse faith in the people of the amportansa avèj na Reis, a Such plants ant the Tera. Because I am stating that each and plants-in the sense that the Fulani chers rèis a sio ben ancreuse ant la tèra.
Peuj i soma tuti che, për tanti vers, l'oma përdù na patela 'd ròbe anteressante che i favo 50 òpura100 agn fà, e che l'oma barataje con dle ròbe che an prinsipi a lusivo bonben, ma che a la fin a l'han dimostrasse sensa sust; però i podima nen feje gnente.
Anlora? Pioroma përché da sì a chèich agn una dle ultime cassin-e vere, tradissionale, sincere come cola dla Patëira a sarà ancaminà vers la fin? Un museo tradissional e natural dla vita agrìcola che a riva dal Medioevo a va versa la fin, pròpi përché un bel dì Paola e Franco a andaran an pension, òpura përchè ij padron dla sità Alba al'han deciduous tèra the suit on dij camp deuv becomes fabricàbil for FE bej cabanon many ant ij camp? But the son autre part to the bon-dle and ability to stream that slowly dj'arlev. The ambassador cavajer
Nojautri the perderoma nen our tradission, bele our stuff, our campaign and our dzoratut lenga: Maurice Brown and the son that I speak to his mach Piemonteisa Masna, which are a bon fe salam ij dla Arset 'd Franco; Pejo is that the head-to-door ij Cauda and co Canté j'euv an IBCs for the colin-e, are the Gnome and Franco Corgnan to that song and son-in or an Piemonteisa an IBC for lo mond; a-i é Bandiera a Castagnì che a peul taché doj, quatr, ses, eut cavaj a un tamagnon sensa tramblé, a-i son Delo e Batista a la Granera a Castlinald; la banda djë Scarsi a Canal con sue pive e sue fise: na resistensa anciarmà!
I saroma nen vàire, ma coj pòchi a l'han tanta veuja, corage e tanta gòj e dzoratut l'angredient principal: a l'han veuja 'd grigné, ëd fé festa, e dë sté ansem. Con costi angredient i podima sté sicur che a gnente a sarà perdù, e che "për ij còrn ò për la coa" i porteroma anans nòstr cit mond anvers l'avnì, bele antra pòchi.
E anlora, basta pioré e basta con le gnògne che na vote in j'era tut MEJ now: foma tuti cheicòs because tomorrow matin to be that yer MEJ, and a single vogroma ever more beautiful in the morning, with a soft unto Speten Grigna!
Sensa injured as Peul nen savèj writes
Letur an Piemonteisa: as dit meis to step podeve Comense Cate quite a donut as a spare "and cited Prinsi" (The Little Prince), in the library "Tor" an Piassa dij Brichet (Piassa Pertinax 'dco Piassa San Gioan) to Nalba. A fine is the 'd nen injured and car costs. Such
Alegre tuti!
Batista 'd Cornaja
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