to insist you can, and it should be! Ij
Fighting for a good and just cause you can!
This is the epilogue of a story that seemed sad in November 2006, the council chamber of the Regione Piemonte in Turin, a 50in of gray heads, but mine and a few others, to witness the death of the Piedmontese language, condemned to be forever deleted from leggi della Regione Piemonte, a causa di una proposta di legge del recente Governo Regionale, intento a promulgare ( non si sà perché, ma qualcosa lo devono pur fare no?) una nuova legge regolante il patrimonio linguistico della regione.
Ad apparire in tabella di "lingue da proteggere" ci sono tutte le parlate veramente minoritarie del Piemonte, (che sommate poi in numero di parlanti totali, da un sondaggio della Regione stessa , non superano ad oggi i 70.000 parlanti) mentre LA LINGUA del Piemonte, l'unica grande lingua storica , che di parlanti ne conta 2milioni e cento e di parlanti passivi un altro milione e passa, nessun cenno: a sentir dire dai politici, il "Piemontese sarà tutelato perché sarà tacitly provided between the words "linguistic heritage of the Piedmont" and "patrimoniuo original language." A mess, all'itaGliana, as always. Let's make a law to protect monoritarie languages, but the language of the Piedmont, to the political shell game, no longer exists. Of the "stuck in the jail with his face battered jeweler, before the robber pluridenunciato, convicted recidivist, violent beatings and the hospital is not cured if the leg is given to a decree of the PM who decides that his mother ( that of the robber?) was a bitch and then he (the PM) has suffered from loneliness and he devoted himself to this dirty work (the robber?).
In December 2006 I met, because of the continuous silence of local politicians to whom I was accustomed, Bruna Sibille Bra. We met on an old coffee tables in his city, his "second office" I had searched for me, three days after the fateful meeting at the Regional Palace where he was playing the parade at the death of the Piedmont, where all the gray cornajass hair and spirit, under the neon lights of gray in a night to 6 in the evening even more gray in November had been told that everything was now lost, that the "usual left" had the knife by the handle and which is already so cha primary schools do not put as mandatory language Albanian (to allow children to avoid some giojellieri barrel, asking lost in the mother tongue), and that the committee had already passed the bill that would pass by in a few months.
Bruna Sibille of all this he knew a damn. I brought the draft of the law, and the names of his "cronies" of the Regional Government who were infamous ravanare on the project. I liked it and did not surprise me his answer: "varderoma 'd Fela Andé, daj, is tranquil." Dry, without knowing who I was, who was the law and who and what did the legislature in question.
From there a few months we organized the legendary conference "Polens 2007." For us, Piedmont and was a historic step. A Pollenzo, in a nicest room made available by Brown and his Department, agree more hundred representatives of many of the cultural associations Piedmontese Piedmont and neighboring countries, overcoming the inevitable for many asti and divisions that inevitably exist in any world of associations. He participated in the first Councillor for Culture of the Piedmont Region Gianni Oliva, cultured and serious writer, alongside a Bruna Sibille that I did not take me long CALLING ON THE SPOT AS THE STILL BELIEVE, "godmother PIEDMONT OF THE FUTURE".
Parliament 6 balls of culture in language, by Censin Pitch to Tavo Burat, Daniel Ross, Naldo Doro, a port S-ciavèt Nedo, with the introduction and presentation of Gioanin Ross, who was killed along with me to phone calls to make everyone agree. In the third intervention, the overwhelming clarity of its eminence Prof. Sergi Gilardino gave a direction to the speeches so obvious that you could close the cabin and go home. Locked intervention Albina Malerba, the queen of Ca de Piemonteisa Studies, which he called "a Muraji" firm opposition that ASSICA, peacefully, they would have done for the first time in the face of this outrage. Everything was accomplished in an orderly and peaceful, with a final lunch at the Savoy Restaurant (the ominous name, the emotional content), where organizations in the name of the battle, encouraged one another, exchanged promises, email addresses, and where poems here and there , singing and shouting cheers let an omen for what would have happened. Let's
short: I'm spending more than two years, and for the first time in my life have I seen the politicians to keep a promise. I do not know whose fault it was, or what it was to protect my tongue, but last week is out the final disclosure law. I do not want here raconte phone calls, demonstrations, ralations, meetings with various directors and councilors: the figures speak: the Regional Council unanimously approved 'Law No. 11 of 7 April 2009. Unanimous' you can do. You can not because yours truly, who like him because he played clean this question, he continued to speak out and clear in Piedmontese and Italian things as they are and how they should be, without subterfuge, no sides, no play of parts, and no one could be harmed, injured at least more than when he was the person in question: the language of Piedmont Region.
NOW, after the Veneto and Campania, Piedmont can also see one of its laws a title like this (a law which will report at the end) "safeguard and promote the Piedmontese language". We wanted, we've got.
For this we thank her for free that, without prejudice, without play of political parties, was launched for the sake of the right things, of lost causes, the one that today I answered the phone "hello Steil, providing (at the sight of my number caller that keeps stored, she who un solo cellulare, lei almeno) i complimenti e la gioia che l'avrebbero investita per la vittoria di una causa di quelle "perse in partenza".
Io non sono e non sarò mai un politico, perché dalla politica pretendo troppo. Grazie a Bruna Sibille, abbiamo ottenuto una Vittoria di quele che io definisco "del futuro": perché una vittoria politica non si fà con 15 contro 14; si fa con 39 favorevoli! Questa é la politica che io vorrei, e che purtroppo non posso vedere in un paese dove la lotta delle parti é l'unico collante della gente, in assenza totale di un qualche minimo elemento aggregativo culturale sociale.
Noi in piemonte lo abbiamo fatto, ed é un inizio: Grazie Bruna Sibille, la temeraria delle cause lost.
Thanks also to policies that have taken, albeit at a moving train, the parties to the proceedings, participating in first person with the undersigned at events, sometimes to the success of the project: in order of appearance: Alberto Cirio, Michelino Davico, my friend Guido Crosetto, Mariano Rabino, Mino Taricco, Frederick Gregory. Thanks to Valter Bërgèis a young teacher of Piedmont, and even political Bra. Thanks to the members and founders of GoPiedmont: Gianni Davico, Sarah Scaparone, Anna dla Frere, Gnome, Franco Malbert, Enzo Vacca, Sergio Marchisio, the twins Olga Scarsi and Lucrezia. No thanks to people like the commissioner to the culture of the town of Alba, Ivana Miroglio Brignone, merchant deaf ear, ready to accept the causes that are comfortable, and to deny promises of help and support to manifestaxioni for which we have given money, time, sleep and life. Luck for me, continues to be on the side of the weak. My tongue has won, so we all Italic peoples and Europeans have won, yes, not elections, not the lottery, but a difficult challenge for social justice in historical culture. From tonight I'll feel richer and stronger. Polens put the manifesto of 2007, I keep jealously hung on the wall of my tavern, among the trophies of my beautiful life. You may just want to win. Now everyone at work.
Regional Law 11, April 7, 2009
protection, enhancement and promotion of the linguistic heritage of Piedmont.
(BU16 April 2009, n. 15)
* Article 1 (Purpose)
* Article 2 (Principles and areas of the region)
* Art 3 (historical names) * Art
. 4 (spatial localization signal)
* Article 5 (regional information)
* Article 6 (Establishment of the regional registry associations for the protection and enhancement of the original cultural and linguistic heritage)
* Section 7 (See Standing the protection and enhancement of the original cultural and linguistic heritage)
* Section 8 (Procedures delivery contributions)
* Section 9 (Festa del Piemonte)
* Section 10 (Clause evaluation)
* Article 11 (Repeal)
* Article 12 (Financial provision)
The Regional Council has approved.
the following law: Article 1
The Region, in the spirit of Articles 3, 6 and 9 of the Constitution, in implementation of Articles 4 and 7 of the Statute, safeguards and promotes the Piedmontese language, the original cultural and linguistic heritage of Piedmont, and of the minorities Occitan , Franco-Provencal, French and Walser, promoting knowledge.
The Region considers this to be an integral part of efforts to protect and enhance the history and regional culture and conforms to the principles of equal dignity and linguistic pluralism enshrined in the Constitution, as well as those that are the basis of relevant international instruments, in particular the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages \u200b\u200bof 5 November 1992 and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of 1 February 1995.
The Region shall follow the procedures outlined by 'Article 3 of Law 15 December 1999, n. 482 (Rules for the protection of historical linguistic minorities), for the territories. Art
2 (Principles and areas dell'azione regionale)
Per il raggiungimento delle finalità di cui all'articolo 1 la Regione, nell'ambito delle proprie competenze legislative ed amministrative e nel rispetto del riparto di funzioni definito dagli articoli 124, 126 e 127 della legge regionale 26 aprile 2000, n. 44 (Disposizioni normative per l'attuazione del decreto legislativo 31 marzo 1998, n. 112 "Conferimento di funzioni e compiti amministrativi dello Stato alle Regioni ed agli Enti locali, in attuazione del Capo I della legge 15 marzo 1997, n. 59"), così come introdotti dall' articolo 10 della legge regionale 15 marzo 2001, n. 5, realizza interventi diretti e promuove azioni di sostegno ad autonome e specifiche iniziative condotte dagli enti locali, institutions, bodies and associations, carrying out continuous and qualified local and that have an appropriate organization.
In implementing the principles referred to in paragraph 1 shall include:
preservation and enhancement of historical and linguistic traditions, especially with regard to toponymy, the artistic and architectural heritage, religious life, the habits and customs, natural and man-made environment;
the consolidation and development of economic and productive activities important for the permanence of the populations in the countries of origin, in order to maintain linguistic and cultural identity of their communities;
the possibility for local authorities to introduce gradually, alongside the Italian, the languages \u200b\u200bused in Article 1 in its offices and those of the regional administration in the territory;
to promote the teaching of the Piedmontese language of the original linguistic and cultural heritage of the Piedmont and linguistic minorities under Article 1, also through training courses and refresher courses for teachers, without prejudice to the autonomy of educational institutions;
the increase, including through partnerships with associations and cultural institutions and academic initiatives for study, research and documentation;
support for forms of collaboration and exchange with other populations of the same linguistic family and speaking the same language in an identical or similar, also outside the territory of the Republic;
g) the promotion and
' implementation, in consultation with the public and private broadcasters, cultural transmission in the Piedmont and in minority languages \u200b\u200breferred to in Article 1;
support for the computer network to gather data bases made with the concurrence of offices and branches abroad and ensure their enjoyment by the public;
the establishment by the Regional Council, Fellowship for dissertations on the Piedmontese language and the original linguistic and cultural heritage of the Piedmont and minority rights in Article 1. Article 3
(mainline denominations)
1. The Region
make contributions to municipalities or individual members for research aimed at the eventual restoration of their historic names.
Applications made under paragraph 1 shall be subject to prior binding opinion of a scientific committee composed of:
the Regional Minister responsible for culture or his representative, as Chairman;
two academic experts in language identified by the Regional Council Commission after consulting the competent authority;
due esperti universitari in materie geografiche individuati dalla Giunta regionale previo parere della Commissione consiliare competente.
Possono far parte del Comitato scientifico, su designazione dei rispettivi enti, i seguenti soggetti:
due docenti universitari in materie linguistiche, individuati previo parere della Commissione consiliare competente;
due docenti universitari in materie geografiche, individuati previo parere della Commissione consiliare competente;
un esperto di storia regionale della Deputazione subalpina di storia patria;
un rappresentante della Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici e per il paesaggio del Piemonte.
I membri del Comitato shall be appointed by the President of the Regional Council shall hold office for the duration of the legislature and not to renew the body and render their services free of charge.
At the request of the municipalities concerned and after consideration of the respective Municipal Councils, the region in implementation of Article 133, last paragraph of the Constitution, may, with the procedures and conditions laid down by 'Article 6 of Regional Law of 2 December 1992 No 51 (provisions relating to municipal districts, union, merger of municipalities, provincial boundaries), as last amended by 'Article 8 of Law March 26, 2009, No 10, the restoration of historical names municipalities. Article 4
(spatial localization signal)
The Region promotes and supports research on local place names and contribute to such initiatives promoted by the municipalities or individual members.
By affixing the geographical location of traffic signs that use local languages \u200b\u200bhistorically present in the reference area, in addition to the name in Italian, the region provides a common contribution to the capital grant.
The person referred to in paragraph 1 shall request the granting of financial aid councilor responsible for culture after submission of an application accompanied by the following acts:
a) acting
City Council concerning the affixing of signs;
documentation confirming the successful implementation and application of the signs in this historically local idiom;
act of validating the expenditure incurred.
The financial contribution referred to in paragraph 2 shall be determined based on the total expense paid to cover the same if the amount does not exceed € 2,500 and up to 50 percent of that for the excess, up to a maximum of 5,000 € of overall spending. Article 5
(Regional Information)
The Region is committed to reserve, on its regular publications of general information, the spaces open to collaboration bodies and institutions qualified for the promotion of the use and knowledge of the original cultural and linguistic heritage of the Piedmont and the minority Occitan, Franco-Provencal, French and Walser. Article 6
(Establishment of the regional register of associations for the protection and enhancement of the original cultural and linguistic heritage)
Within six months after entry into force of this Act shall be established a register of the regional associations for the protection and enhancement of the Piedmontese language, the original cultural and linguistic heritage of Piedmont and minority Occitan, Franco-Provencal, French and Walser.
2. For registration
regional associations are required to have a registered office in Piedmont and be set up and operate for at least six months.
3. In
regional registry are the constitution, statutes, and the headquarters of the policy field. The log also recorded the changes of the Constitution and the Statute, the relocation of headquarters, the deliberations of dissolution.
The register is kept at the Regional Government, who shall make periodic revisions and updates.
The registration is a necessary condition for the provision of regional contributions.
Article 7 (Look for the permanent protection and enhancement of the original cultural and linguistic heritage)
It established the Council for the permanent protection and enhancement of the Piedmontese language, the original cultural and linguistic heritage of Piedmont and minority Occitan, Franco-Provencal, French and Walser, with as monitoring and conducting responsible for proposing and advising the Regional Council.
The Council is appointed by the President of the Regional Government within six months after entry into force of this Act and includes:
the President of the Regional Council or its delegate acting as President;
three regional directors;
the regional council responsible for education and culture, or their delegates;
Councillors provincial jurisdiction in matters of culture and
mayors of five proposed by the Standing Conference of Local Self-Region, the ratio of one for each of the linguistic communities referred to in paragraph 1;
nine members identified by the Regional Council in association registered in the register referred to in Article 6, in order to ensure broader representation.
may also be part of the Consulta, on the nomination of the Employer and the advice of the Council Commission authority, a representative of the University of Turin, the Polytechnic and the University of Eastern Piedmont.
The consultation lasts for five years and dissolved the regional council, ten days without fail.
5. Look
The formula proposed for the identification of criteria that define the value of local or regional initiatives for the protection and enhancement of cultural and linguistic heritage.
The Council is convened by its President at least once a year and whenever so requests, the majority of its members.
7. To the members of the Consulta
entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in the discharge of his mandate in a manner determined by the Regional Council with a subsequent measure.
Article 8 (Procedures delivery contributions)
The entities referred to in Articles 2 and 3, intending to make use of regional contributions, submit an application by March 15 of each year councilor responsible for culture.
applications, signed by the legal representative of the applicant, shall include:
program of activities for which funding is requested;
report on cultural activities may have already been carried out in matter.
The Regional Board, after consultation with ongoing consultation of Article 7 and taking into account the opinion on the criteria for allocating the grants given by the Commission Board jurisdiction it decides on the amount.
The beneficiaries of the grant are required to submit, within one year from the date of his assignment, documented report on the activities eligible for funding. In case of failure to meet this obligation, the Regional Council, after proper verification, may order the revocation of grants awarded. Article 9
(Feast of Piedmont)
In order to promote knowledge of the history of Piedmont, to showcase the original linguistic heritage, to illustrate the values \u200b\u200bof culture, morality, good citizenship, and their rootedness in their context, and to introduce properly the statute and symbols Region, has established the "Festa del Piemonte. It will call on May 22, on the anniversary of the promulgation of the Regional Statute, which took place May 22, 1971.
2. The Regional
annually establish direct interventions to achieve these aims and to explain, especially among the younger generations and in agreement with the competent state bodies, in schools of all levels. Article 10
(clause evaluation)
The Regional Council shall report periodically to the regional rule of law implementation and the results obtained in terms of protection and enhancement of cultural and linguistic heritage of the Piedmont and the minority Occitan, Franco-Provencal, French and Walser.
After one year of entry into force of this Act, the Regional Government shall submit a report to the Regional Council from which emerges a reporting on the establishment of the Committee referred to in Article 3 and the consultations under Article 7 and related to organizational, operational and functional.
After two years of entry into force of this Act, the Regional Council reports annually to the regional council a report from which emerge the following kind of statistical evaluation:
the budgets allocated to each type of intervention and economic the respective rates of use;
the type and number of beneficiaries as well as the qualitative and quantitative description of the projects deemed worthy of funding;
the type and number of applications not eligible for assistance and the reasons for exclusion;
promotion activities and information promoted and taken to to disseminate knowledge of legislative incentives. Article 11
regional law are repealed April 10, 1990, No 26 (protection, enhancement and promotion of knowledge of the original linguistic heritage of Piedmont) and the Regional Law 17 June 1997, No 37 (Changes and additions to the regional law April 10, 1990, No 26 'protection, enhancement and promotion of knowledge of the original linguistic heritage of Piedmont), subject to the provision of assistance granted on the basis of the remedial plan provided for by 'Article 10 of Regional Law 26/1990 and active at the date of entry into force of this Act.
Article 12 (Financial provision)
For the implementation of this law, in fiscal 2009, authorized the expenditure of a total of € 2,000,000.00, to cover current expenditure amounted to € 1,600,000.00 and capital expenditure amounted to € 400,000.00, in terms of expertise and cash, are provided respectively with the equipment of the basic budget units (UPB) and DB18041 DB12022 of the budget, drives that have the necessary financial hedges.
The costs referred to in paragraph 1, in terms of responsibility, for the biennium 2010-2011 is coping with the financial resources identified in the manner prescribed by 'Article 8 of Law April 11, 2001, No 7 (Ordering amount of Regione Piemonte) and by 'Article 30 of Law March 4, 2003, No 2 (Act for the financial year 2003).
This regional law will 'be published in the Official Bulletin of the Region.
E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce it as law of the Piedmont Region. Date
in Turin, goodbye 'April 7, 2009
Mercedes Bresso
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